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Section Q - Quality

Please note that these clauses are living documents, therefore an effective date is provided next to each version of each clause. Sellers are advised that unless indicated in the purchase contract, the version of each incorporated clause applicable to the purchase contract or purchase contract change is the latest dated version of each clause in effect on the date of the original purchase contract (Purchase Contract Change No: 00). Questions regarding the clauses or need of resolution to conflicting requirements contained in a purchase contract should always be directed to the authorized Boeing Procurement Representative.

Note 1: In Comments Column - Deactivated = System will not allow application of clause on NEW Contracts/POs.
Note 2: If the Quality Clause contained in the purchase contract is not found, it may be available here:


Q001 - Q199
  Clause Title Effective Date Comments
  Q001 Boeing Quality Management System Requirements for Suppliers, Appendix A, Addendum 1, and Addendum 2 10/01/11  
Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements: Appendix A, "Quality Management System", Addendum 1, "Advanced Quality System (AQS) Continuous Improvement", and Addendum 2, "Quality System Requirements for Software" 11/11/03
Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements Appendix A and Addendum 1 and Addendum 2 10/01/01
  Q002 Boeing Quality Management System Requirements for Suppliers, Appendix A, and Addendum 1 10/01/11  
Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements: Appendix A, "Quality Management System" and Addendum 1, "Advanced Quality System (AQS) Continuous Improvement" 11/11/03
Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements Appendix A and Addendum 1 10/01/01
  Q003 Boeing Quality Management System Requirements for Suppliers, Appendix A, and Addendum 2 10/01/11  
Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements: Appendix A, "Quality Management System," and Addendum 2, "Quality System Requirements for Software" 11/11/03
Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements Appendix A and Addendum 2 10/01/01
  Q004 Boeing Quality Management System Requirements for Suppliers, Appendix A 10/01/11  
Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements: Appendix A, "Quality Management System" 11/11/03
Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements Appendix A 10/01/01
  Q005 Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements: Appendix B, "Inspection and Test Quality System" and Addendum 1, "Advanced Quality System (AQS) Continuous Improvement" 11/11/03 Deactivated Pre-2014
Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements Appendix B and Addendum 1 10/01/01
  Q006 Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements: Appendix B "Inspection and Test Quality System" 11/11/03 Deactivated Pre-2014
Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements Appendix B 10/01/01
  Q006S Report A0436 and AS9003, Inspection and Test Quality System 06/05/08 Deactivated Pre-2014
Report A0436 and AS9003, Inspection and Test Quality System 08/01/05
  Q007 ISS Quality System Supplement 11/23/05 Deactivated 09/22/16
International Space Station Program Supplement to BQMS Appendix A -- Rev 12/14/01 12/14/01
  Q008W Software Quality Requirements For Airborne Systems And Equipment -- Deliverable 11/23/05 Deactivated 09/18/17
  Q009 ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems -- Requirements 07/30/07  
  Q009O ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems -- Requirements 05/12/05 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q010 Sellers Quality System 01/05/10  
Seller's Quality Control Requirements 09/15/04
  Q010MM Seller's Quality Control Requirements - Material / Standard Part Certification - Deliverable 06/05/08 Deactivated 08/27/15
  Q010S Seller's Quality Control Requirements -- Tubes 11/23/05 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q011 reserved    
  Q011P Supplemental Quality Assurance Requirements 02/03/10 Deactivated 11/05/14
  Q011S Supplemental Quality Requirements 09/27/23  
  Q012 Compliance with MIL-STD-45662A 10/01/01  
  Q012O Calibration System And Notice Of Significant Out-Of-Tolerance Conditions 08/22/05  
  Q013 Boeing Quality Management System Requirements for Suppliers, Appendix C 10/01/11  
Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements: Appendix C, AS9110, Quality Maintenance Systems - Aerospace -- Requirements for Maintenance Organization 03/25/08
  Q014 Rebuild or Alteration - FAA Approved Production Approval Holder (PAH) Requirements -- Deliverable 03/03/08 Deactivated 09/20/17
  Q015 Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, FAA Regulated Non-Certificated Requirements -- Deliverable 01/19/16  
  Q015W Buyer Approved Quality System -- Repair Station Requirements 02/07/05 Deactivated 07/22/16
  Q016 Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, FAA Regulated and Certificated Requirements -- Deliverable 01/19/16  
  Q016W Buyer/Regulatory Agency Approved Repair Station -- FAR 14CFR145.217 Requirements 02/07/05 Deactivated 09/18/17
  Q017 Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Product Part Approval Process (PPAP) 11/03/23  
  Q018 Boeing Quality Management System Requirements for Suppliers, Appendix A, for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Services 05/26/17  
Boeing Quality Management System (BQMS) Requirements: Appendix A, AS9100, Quality Management Systems - Aerospace - Requirements - Non-FAA Regulated Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Services 03/25/08
  Q019 D1-4426 Approved Process Source - Deliverable 09/16/16  
Approved Process Source -- Deliverable Documentation 06/21/04
Approved Process Source 10/01/01
  Q019W2 Approved Processors - F/A-22 Program - Deliverable 11/23/05  
  Q020 D1-4426 Approved Process Source 09/16/16  
Approved Process Source 06/21/04
Approved Processors 10/01/01
  Q020S3 Approved Process Source -- F/A-18 Program 11/23/05  
  Q020V Critical Process and Processor Approval 03/07/12  
  Q020V6 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Special Processes - Arrow Program 02/22/08  
  Q021P Quality Requirements For Critical / Process Sensitive Items 12/20/21  
  Q021S5 Flight Safety Program / Production Plan -- AH-64 Program -- Deliverable 11/23/05 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q022 Critical Safety Item Control - AH-64 Program - Deliverable 03/31/23  
  Q022M5 Safety / Critical Item Control -- AH-64 Program -- Deliverable 03/31/23  
  Q022S5 Flight Safety / Critical Item Control -- AH-64 Program -- Deliverable 11/23/05 Deactivated 11/17/17
  Q023M Requirements for Flight Safety Critical Aircraft Parts (FSCAP) and Critical Safety Items (CSI) In the Maintenance, Overhaul and Remanufacture Environment - Deliverable 03/31/23  
  Q024 Quality Management System Requirements for Distributor or Manufacturer of Standard Parts and Raw Material 06/30/14  
  Q025 Boeing Quality Management System Requirements, Appendix D 07/01/13  
  Q026P Record As-Built Configuration On Shipping Document 02/16/11 Deactivated 11/02/16
  Q027 Engineering Dataset/Drawing Information (Variable) 02/16/11 Deactivated 03/03/16
  Q027P Engineering Dataset/Drawing Information (Variable) 02/16/11 Deactivated 01/21/16 Use Q028
  Q028 Engineering Dataset/Drawing Information (Variable) 02/16/11  
  Q029 Digital Product Definition (DPD) / Model Based Definition (MBD) 05/02/24  
Digital Product Definition (DPD) 12/18/03
  Q029H Digital Product Definition (DPD) / Model Base Definition (MBD) 05/14/04 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q030 Manufacturing and Inspection Control Plan 05/24/17  
  Q030B Manufacturing and Inspection Control Plan - F-22 Program 01/30/24
  Q030K Manufacturing Plan Required 08/22/05 Deactivated 11/17/17
  Q030P Quality Acceptance -- Buyer's Manufacturing Plan -- Deliverable 02/16/11  
  Q031 Boeing's Review of Manufacturing Controls for Pyrotechnic Devices 10/01/01  
  Q032 Key Characteristics 11/23/05  
  Q033 BDS BAC5114 NC Programming and Machine Controls Specifications- Contractual and Process Control Requirements 03/10/22  
  Q034 Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Modified 05/13/22  
  Q035 BSS7156 Early Production Verification and Requirements for BAC5114 Parts 03/08/22  
  Q037 reserved    
  Q038 Buyer’s Non-U.S. Government Customer First Article Inspection 07/19/23  
  Q039 Buyer’s Non-U.S. Government Customer Source Inspection 07/19/23  
  Q040 Buyer Right of Entry and Surveillance 07/29/04  
Boeing Right of Entry 10/01/01
  Q041 Discretionary Government Surveillance 07/02/07  
Government Right of Entry 10/01/01
  Q042 Sub-purchase order/contract Fabrication 10/01/01 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q043--Q044 reserved  
  Q045 Supplier Funded Supplemental Inspection (SFSI) 02/04/16
Deactivated 07/22/16
  Q046 Designated Supplier Quality Representative (DSQR) 04/14/17  
  Q047V Source Inspection Plan (SIP) - Deliverable 12/15/05 Deactivated 07/22/16
  Q048 United Space Alliance Customer Source Inspection -- Space Program Operations Contract 06/20/08 Deactivated 07/22/16
  Q048S Designated Customer Representative Inspection 05/12/05 Deactivated 07/22/16
  Q048V6 Right Of Entry For Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) - Arrow Program 02/22/08  
  Q049 Government Source Inspection 09/30/14  
  Q050 Government Source Inspection -- NASA Program 05/18/15  
  Q051 Buyer's In-Process and Final Source Inspection Required 08/04/15  
Boeing Inprocess & Final Source Inspection 10/01/01
  Q052 Boeing Final Source Inspection 10/01/01 Deactivated 12/22/16
  Q053   Buyer's Source Inspection Required 08/07/17  
  Q053S3 Seller And Buyer Inspection Required -- F/A-18 Program 11/23/05  
  Q054 Boeing Quality Surveillance 10/01/01 Deactivated 10/15/14 Use Q053
  Q055 Buyer's Verification of Seller's Tooling Inspection Required 05/01/19
Boeing's Tooling Inspection at Seller's Plant 10/01/01
  Q056 Tooling Asset Documentation by Seller - Deliverable 06/07/23  
Tooling Inspection and Reports by Seller 10/01/01
  Q057 Inspection Control Point Outline (Mandatory Inspection Points)(MIPs) 10/01/01 Deactivated 07/19/14 Use Q053
  Q057V Buyer's Mandatory Inspection Points 12/15/05 Deactivated 06/10/14 Use Q051 or Q053
  Q058 Discretionary FAA Surveillance 10/30/09  
FAA Inspection 10/01/01
  Q058O FAA Requirements -- Foreign Procurement 08/22/05  
  Q059 Buyer And FAA Designee Conformity -- Deliverable Documentation 05/30/24  
  Q059W Buyer And FAA Conformity -- Seller / Subcontractor -- Deliverable 11/23/05 Deactivated 11/17/17
  Q060 Buyer Completed FAA Form 8130-9 -- Deliverable 11/22/21  
  Q060W NREE Conformity Request and FAA Form 8130-9 -- Deliverable 08/01/05 Deactivated 09/18/17
  Q061K FAA Statement Of Conformity -- NATDelegated -- Deliverable 05/12/05 Deactivated 09/18/17
  Q062K FAA Authorized Release Certificate -- Aviation Certification Consulting -- Deliverable 05/12/05 Deactivated 09/18/17
  Q063 Federal Aviation Administration Requirements - Deliverable 06/19/15  
Federal Aviation Administration Requirements - Deliverable Documentation 01/13/09
FAA Requirements -- Deliverable Documentation 07/05/05
  Q064W Buyer FAA Conformity -- Seller / Subcontractor -- Deliverable 11/23/05 Deactivated 09/18/17
  Q065 Control Of "BOEING PC700 USE ONLY" Items - PC700 Usage Identification 05/24/17  
  Q066 Control Of "BOEING PC700 USE ONLY" Items - FAA-PMA Marking 10/30/14  
  Q067 Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, FAA Regulated and Certificated Requirements Special Process Documentation & Verification Records 04/04/14  
  Q068K Seller's First Article Inspection Requirement With Boeing First Article Inspection (BFAI) and Deliverable Report 02/07/05 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q069 Objective Evidence of Dimensional Inspection - Deliverable 05/21/14  
Objective Evidence of Dimensional Inspection 10/01/01
  Q069K Seller's First Article Inspection Requirement and Deliverable Report 02/07/05 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q070 First-Piece Inspection 10/01/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q071 First Article Inspection and Boeing First Article Inspection - Deliverable 12/11/15  
AS9102 Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement With Boeing First Article Inspection (BFAI) - Deliverable Report 05/31/06
AS9102 Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement with Boeing First Article Inspection (BFAI) and Deliverable Report 04/21/04
First Article Inspection (with Boeing Source) 05/13/02
  Q071S AS9102 Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement with Boeing First Article Inspection (BFAI) - Deliverable Report 06/19/15 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q072 First Article Inspection Deliverable 06/19/15 Deactivated 12/17/15
AS9102 Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement - Deliverable Report 05/31/06
AS9102 Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement and Deliverable Report 04/21/04
First Article Inspection (By Seller Only) 12/10/02
  Q072S AS9102 Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement - Deliverable Report 06/19/15 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q073 First Article Inspection 06/19/15 Deactivated 12/17/15
AS9102 Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement 04/21/04
  Q074 First Article Inspection and Boeing First Article Inspection 12/11/15  
AS9102 Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement with Boeing First Article Inspection (BFAI) 04/21/04
  Q075 Control of Ozone Depleting Chemicals 09/19/19  
  Q076 Control of Boeing Common Commodities 07/27/18  
  Q077 Quality Purchasing Data Requirements (BCA/BGS) - Form X31764 11/09/20  
Purchasing Data Requirements (BCA) - Form X31764 09/09/16
  Q078 Electronic Quality Documentation Package (E-QDP) Supplier Portal 07/29/04  
  Q078V6 Delivery Data Package - Arrow Program 02/02/16  
  Q079 Manufacturer Acceptance Test Reports -- Deliverable 08/22/05  
Manufacturer Acceptance Test Reports 10/01/01
  Q079S Test Data Sheets -- Deliverable 07/05/05  
  Q080 Raw Material Test Results - Deliverable 09/01/14  
Raw Material Test Results 10/01/01
  Q081 Lot Inspection Report 10/01/01  
  Q082 Single Lot-Date Code 10/01/01  
  Q083 Date of Manufacture 10/01/01  
  Q084 Limited Operating Life Items 10/01/01  
  Q085M Maintenance Management and Historical Report Requirements for Army Aircraft Components - Deliverable 09/30/14  
  Q086 EEE Part Freshness - 5 Years 08/28/17  
  Q087 EEE Part Freshness - 4 Years 10/12/17  
  Q088 reserved    
  Q089 Seller Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP) Changes - Deliverable 07/16/20  
  Q090 Seller / Manufacturer Certificate Of Conformance (Signature Required) - Deliverable 05/16/18  
  Q091 Seller / Manufacturer Certificate Of Conformance - Deliverable 05/16/18  
Manufacturer's Certificate of Conformance 06/20/08
Manufacturer's Certification 08/24/06
  Q091L Seller / Manufacturer Certificate of Conformance - Deliverable 11/18/13 Deactivated 08/06/15 Use 090 or Q091
  Q091P Certificate Of Conformance -- Deliverable 01/05/10 Deactivated 08/06/15
Certificate of Conformance 03/16/05
  Q091V Certificate Of Conformance - Deliverable 12/15/05 Deactivated 08/06/15 Use 090 or Q091
  Q091W Certificate of Conformance -- Deliverable 09/01/20  
  Q092 Parts and Material Certification 07/27/15  
Item Material Certification 10/01/01
  Q092W Material Certification 02/07/05 Deactivated 08/06/15 Use 090 or Q091
  Q093 Certification of Compliance 10/01/01 Deactivated 08/06/15 Use 090 or Q091
  Q094 Certification of Compliance 10/01/01 Deactivated 08/06/15 Use 090 or Q091
  Q095 Preproduction Approval of Castings and Forgings 10/01/01  
  Q096 Date of Manufacture on or after January 1, 2015 - Deliverable 01/13/21  
Date of Manufacture - Deliverable 03/23/20
  Q097 Date of Manufacture on or after January 1, 2020 - Deliverable 01/13/21  
  Q098-Q100 reserved    
  Q101 Certificate of Conformance for Subassembly Details 03/11/09 Deactivated 08/06/15 Use 090 or Q091
  Q102 Certificate of Solderability 10/01/01 Deactivated 09/18/17
  Q103 Nondestructive Test (NDT) Certification 10/01/01  
  Q104 Testing of High-Strength Fasteners 10/01/01 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q104S Quantitative Test Results 02/07/05 Deactivated 07/22/16
  Q105 High-Strength Fastener Certification 10/01/01  
  Q105S Fastener Material Certification 02/07/05  
  Q106 Spaceflight Fastener Requirements - NASA-STD-8739.14 08/20/21  
Spaceflight Fastener Requirements - NASA-STD-6008 07/17/15
  Q107 Spaceflight Fastener Requirements for Buyer Designed Product 06/06/24  
  Q108 Wafer Lot Number / Diffusion Run Number Traceability - Deliverable 10/12/17  
  Q109-Q110 reserved    
  Q111 Certification of Conformance, Same As Direct Sales - Deliverable 01/13/10 Deactivated 08/06/15 Use 090 or Q091
  Q112 Serialization, Built-to-Specification 06/03/05  
Serialization 10/01/01
  Q112H Serialization, Built-to-Print 06/03/05  
  Q112P Seller Serialization 05/26/20  
  Q112V6 Serialization Requirements - Arrow Program 12/18/13  
  Q113 Traceability -- Raw Material 06/20/08  
  Q114 Lot Traceability -- Manufactured Goods 01/29/13  
  Q115 Serial Number Traceability -- Manufactured Goods 10/01/01  
  Q116 Traceability Data -- Subassembly 10/01/01 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q116S3 Data Package Item E-54.18e - F/A-18 -- Deliverable 11/23/05 Deactivated 08/06/15
  Q116W Serialization And Traceability List For Fracture Critical Category I --Deliverable 11/23/05  
  Q117T7 Space Station Fracture Critical Control Requirements 02/03/10  
  Q118-Q120 reserved    
  Q121 Protective Packaging 10/18/21  
  Q122 Electrostatic Sensitive Discharge Protection Program 10/01/01  
  Q123 Electrostatic Discharge Protection 10/01/01  
  Q123W Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) -- Packaging 05/12/05  
  Q124 Static Shield Packaging - Non-ESD Sensitive Goods 03/11/09  
Static-Dissipative Packaging - Non-ESD Sensitive Goods 07/21/08
Antistatic/Static-Dissipative Packaging -- Non-ESD Sensitive Goods 10/01/01
  Q125 Electrostatic Sensitive Discharge Protection Program 10/01/01  
  Q126 Age Control 12/06/01  
  Q127-Q131 reserved    
  Q132 'Counterfeit Parts Detection and Avoidance System Requirements 05/23/23  
Counterfeit Electronic Parts Detection and Avoidance System Requirements 01/14/15
  Q133 Seller's EEE Part Certification 10/01/01  
  Q134 EEE PRECAP Inspection 10/01/01 Deactivated 10/15/14 Use Q053
  Q135-Q139 reserved    
  Q140 Shipping to Destination other than Boeing's 10/01/01 Deactivated 11/17/17
  Q141 Documents Describing Goods Shipped 10/01/01  
  Q141PP Seller Drawing/Catalog -- Deliverable 06/03/05 Deactivated 09/22/16
  Q142 Manufacturer's Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code 06/30/22  
  Q143 Original Manufacturer / Authorized Distributor 12/12/12  
  Q144-Q149 reserved    
  Q150 Process Validation Assessment 09/21/06 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q150P Process Validation Assessment (PVA) 11/03/04 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q150S Process Validation Assessment 11/03/04 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q150V Process Validation Assessment 12/15/05 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q150W Process Validation Assessment 09/15/04 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q151 Buyer's Source Inspection - Precedence 06/20/08 Deactivated 10/30/14
Process Validation Assessment - Precedence 09/21/06
  Q151W Limited Process Validation Assessment 09/15/04 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q152-Q168 reserved    
  Q169 Test Unit Requirement 12/19/23
  Q170P Destructive Test Unit Requirement 02/03/22  
  Q171P Grain Flow Marking 04/18/05 Deactivated 07/22/16
  Q172P Commingling of Items 02/16/11 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q173-Q179 reserved    
  Q180S Quality Assurance Requirements - Perishable Tooling 07/21/08  
  Q180V Tooling Accountability 12/15/05  
  Q180W Special Tool Control 08/01/05  
  Q181W Requirements For Sellers Of Special Tools 12/15/05 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q183 Requirements Consumption Review (RCR) 02/01/23  
  Q184 Requirements Consumption Review (RCR) 03/11/22  
  Q185 Quality Requirements Review 09/01/11 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q185H Post Award Quality Conference 04/24/06 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q186 FOD Prevention Program 10/04/17  
  Q187-Q199 reserved    
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Q200 -- Q299
  Clause Title Effective Date Comments
  Q200 reserved    
  Q200S Government Direct Ship Acceptance 03/18/09 Deactivated 06/10/14
  Q201 Government Source Inspection Requirements (NASA contracts -- Station Program) 04/19/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q202 Government Source Inspection Contracts (SSME Program) 06/04/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q203 Boeing Source Inspection 01/24/03 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q204 Tin Plating 08/15/03  
  Q205 Evidence of Inspections and Tests Performed By Seller 04/27/01  
  Q205P Seller's Inspection / Acceptance Stamps for Procured Items 04/18/05 Deactivated 09/23/16
  Q206 Government Source Inspection 09/19/01 Deactivated 10/07/14 Use Q049
  Q206S Government Source Inspection (Variable Clause) 05/31/06  
  Q206W Government Source Inspection With DD Form 250 (Variable Clause) 11/03/04 Deactivated 10/07/14
  Q207 Physical and Chemical Test Reports Identified to Specific Lots 04/27/01 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q208 Evidence of Compliance with Reliability Verification Provisions 04/27/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q209 Material Safety Data Sheet 06/14/01  
  Q210 Supplier Designed Drawing Request (For Standard Catalog Hardware Only) 12/09/02 Deactivated 09/20/17
  Q211 Special Tooling - Weld Documentation 06/27/22  
  Q212 Commercial Material Certification Identification 12/10/02 Deactivated 11/17/17
Material Certification Identification 04/27/01
  Q213 Oxygen Compatibility Testing 04/27/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q214 Change Control of Baseline Documents Contract Grouping Specification SSME (RL00144) or (RL10101) 04/27/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q215 Records (SSME Program -- Purchased Labor Use Only) 08/06/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q216 Weld Repairs of Castings 07/16/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q217 Hazardous Materials Requirements -- Canoga Park 04/21/04  
  Q218 Metallic -- Materials Acceptance Testing -- Canoga Park 04/21/04 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q219 Material Review Record Inspection Discrepancy and Correction Record (IDCR) 04/27/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q219EE Reporting and Shipment of Nonconforming Goods 06/21/18  
  Q219K Seller Request For Buyer Disposition 07/30/24  
  Q219L Notification / Disposition of Nonconforming Material - MD-1898 05/21/21  
  Q219MM Requested Material Review Board 01/19/17  
  Q219P Nonconforming Material Control and Disposition 04/27/20  
  Q219S Delegation of Material Review Authority -- 96X0005 02/20/09  
  Q219W4 Material Review (MR) Limitation - Connexion Program -- Deliverable 11/23/05 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q220 Nondestructive Test Documentation Requirements SSME Program 04/19/02 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q221 Special Procurement Quality Assurance Requirements 04/27/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q222 Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Protection 06/14/01  
  Q223 QA -- Nondestructive Test (NDT) Source Inspection 01/24/03 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q224 Inspection Record Retention (Five years) 11/27/01  
  Q224M Record Retention 10/02/15  
  Q224P Retention of Records 04/18/05  
  Q224S Retention of Records 05/12/05  
  Q225 reserved    
  Q226 Space Station Product Assurance Requirements 07/16/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q227 Retention of Records 07/12/18  
  Q228 Inspection Requirements -- SSME Program Only 11/22/02 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q229 Inspection Record Retention (SSME Program) 08/27/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q230 Material Review Authority 05/24/11  
  Q230L Material Review Authority 07/19/13  
  Q231 reserved    
  Q232 Special Procurement Quality Assurance Requirements For Non-SSME Program Hardware 09/20/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q233 Nondestructive Inspection for Space Station Hardware 10/16/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q234 reserved    
  Q235 Characteristic Risk Analysis / Characteristic Accountability Worksheet -- SSME Program Only 11/22/02 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q236 Space Station EEE Hardware -- Evidence of Lot Date 04/30/01 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q237 Requirements for Printed Wiring Boards/Flex Circuits (RS68 Program Only) 06/14/01 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q238 Requirements for Process Producibility
Analysis (PPA) Testing of Multilayers (RS68 Program Only)
06/14/01 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q239C Non-Metallic Materials Acceptance Testing -- Canoga Park 02/07/05 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q240-Q242 reserved    
  Q243 Test Equipment Accuracy Requirements 02/14/20 Reactivated 02/14/20
Tool Accuracy Requirement 08/21/01 Deactivated 11/17/17
  Q244-Q270 reserved    
  Q271 AS9102 Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement with Boeing First Article Inspection (BFAI) and Deliverable Report -- Canoga Park 04/21/04 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q272S1 Quality Assurance Requirements -- Buy-To-Packages -- SDB Program 11/23/05 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q273S1 Quality Assurance Requirements -- Build-To-Packages -- SDB Program 11/23/05 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q274 reserved    
  Q275SS Just In Time Panstock Requirements 11/23/05 Deactivated 07/22/16
  Q275W AQAP-110 Supplement To BQMS Appendix A -- Deliverable 11/23/05 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q276W AQAP 120 Supplement To BQMS Appendix A -- Deliverable 11/23/05 Deactivated 11/17/17
  Q277-Q299 reserved    
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Q300 -- Q399
  Clause Title Effective Date Comments
  Q300 Corrective Action 10/30/09  
Corrective Action 04/26/01
  Q300P Seller Use of Electronic Supplier Corrective Action Notice (E-SCAN) 07/02/07 Deactivated Pre-2014 Use Q300
Seller Use of Buyer's Corrective Action Request System 04/18/05
  Q301 Unconfirmed Failure Rejections 10/23/15  
  Q302 Rework / Repair / Replacement Description Required - Variable 09/29/10  
  Q302MM Rework, Repair Order, Overhaul, or Configuration Upgrade - Deliverable 11/11/21  
  Q302S Repair / Rework Order Records -- Deliverable 11/23/05  
  Q303 Procurement Control Drawing Information 04/26/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q304 Production Drawing Information 04/26/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q305 Seller Inspection Requirements 04/26/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q306 Quality Requirements (Space Station Only) 04/26/01  
  Q307 Quality Requirements 04/26/01  
  Q308 Space Station Program (SSP) Outside Production/Purchased Goods Quality Requirements -- Deliverable 05/18/15  
Outside Production/Purchased Equipment Quality Requirements 04/26/01
  Q309 Weight Verification Certificate (WVC) 04/26/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q310 Limited To Use on Space Station 05/29/01  
  Q311K "ACN" Requirement Prior To Shipment 08/22/05 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q311M5 EPB 6-128 Qualification Requirements -- AH64 Program 06/05/08  
  Q311P Qualification Status Report 04/18/05 Deactivated 11/02/16
  Q312 MRB Disposition Of Qualification Items 05/12/05  
  Q313W MRB Quality Requirements: Use-As-Is 11/23/05  
  Q314K Notification Of Received Nonconformance Record (NCR) 08/22/05  
  Q315 EPB 6-149 Qualification Requirements - Light Attack Helicopter Programs 04/16/19  
  Q316-Q319 reserved    
  Q320 Seller's Notification of Escapement (NoE) 02/13/23  
  Q321-Q399 reserved    
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Q400 -- Q499
  Clause Title Effective Date Comments
  Q420 Serviceable Tag 02/02/21  
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Q500 -- Q599
  Clause Title Effective Date Comments
  Q500 reserved    
  Q501S Capacitor Solderability Requirement 11/23/05 Deactivated 07/22/16
  Q502 Certification of Conformance and Traceability of Origin -- Semiconductors, Diodes, and Transistors (MIL-PRF-19500), and Microcircuits (MIL-PRF-38535 and MIL-PRF-38534) 01/31/03 Deactivated 08/06/15 Use 090 or Q091
  Q503 Requirements for Printed Wiring Boards/Flex Circuits 01/10/24  
  Q504 Requirements for Destructive Physical Analysis (DPA) Testing of Multilayer Boards 01/10/24  
Requirements for Destructive Physical Analysis (DPA) Testing of Multilayers 06/06/12
  Q505 Supplier Product Inspection Report 01/31/03 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q506 Supplier Product Inspection Report -- Electrical Wire 01/31/03 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q506O Cable Preparation for Delivery 07/05/05 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q507 Evidence of Inspection and Tests Performed for Electrical Connectors 01/31/03 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q508 Seller Microcircuit and Semiconductor Diffusion Lot Traceability Requirements 01/31/03 Deactivated 11/17/17
  Q509 Buyer Quality Surveillance 01/31/03 Deactivated 10/25/17
  Q510 Change Notification 01/31/03 Deactivated 10/27/17
  Q510W Control of Changes 02/07/05  
  Q511 Deliverable Test Data Requirements 01/31/03 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q512 Date of Manufacture Restriction 01/31/03 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q513 100% Source Inspection Verification Requirement 01/31/03 Deactivated 06/10/14 Use Q051 or Q053
  Q513H 100% End Item Inspection Requirement -- Form #X32038 03/16/05 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q514 DELTA Data Requirements 01/31/03 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q515 Electronic Parts Date of Manufacture Restriction 3/21/03 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q516-Q536 reserved    
  Q537KK "Hole Definitions -- Part Configuration Standardization" 08/22/05 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q538 Outside Production Service - Work Order Completion Requirements -- Deliverable 07/31/09 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q539-Q599 reserved    
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Q600 -- Q699
  Clause Title Effective Date Comments
  Q600 Standards from Accredited FAA AC 00-56 Distributor 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q601 Description of the Work Accomplished 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q602 New Parts without Airworthiness Tag 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q604 Used Return to Service Article(s) 09/19/19 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q605 Seller Statement of Condition for Used Parts 09/19/19
For BGS Commercial Use
  Q606 Container and Packing Slip Are To Be Marked/Identified with ASA-100 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q607 Surplus (New) Parts without Regulatory Airworthiness Approval Documentation 09/19/19
For BGS Commercial Use
  Q609 Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG) 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q610 Drop Ship Delegation 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q611 Production Approval Holder or Accredited Distributor of New Parts with Regulatory Airworthiness Approval Documentation 09/19/19 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q612 Boeing Source Acceptance 09/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q613 Certificate of Conformance 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q616 FAA Conformity Requirement 09/19/19 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q617 Submittal of Metallic Raw Material Samples 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q620 Direct Ship Trace Documentation Submittal for Fleet Services 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q621 Direct Ship Trace Documentation Submittal Material Management 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q622 Nonconforming Parts Approved to Ship as Open Nonconformances per D6-84111 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q623 Supplier Acceptance Test Procedure 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q632 FAA/FCAA Authorized Release Certificate 09/19/19 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q636 Ground Support Equipment (GSE) 09/19/19 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q637 For Engine PAH Holder (FAA PC Holder) 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q638 Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) Compliance 09/19/19 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q640 Notification of Escapement (NoE) Process 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q641 Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, FAA Regulated and Certificated Requirements - Deliverable 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q643 Notification of Escapement (NoE) Process for 'In-Service' Product under Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, Inspection or Modification Services 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q647 Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul, FAA Regulated and Certificated Requirements Special Process Documentation & Verification Records 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q652 Technical Standard Order (TSO) Certified Product 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q653 Replacement Issued In Lieu Of Repaired Asset 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q654 Approved Replacement Parts 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q666 Seller Is Granted Direct Ship Authorization 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q677 First Article Inspection Is Required At Boeing 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q678 Proof of Inspection Required For Non Conforming Goods 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q682 Direct Ship of Parts Manufacturers Approval (PMA) Articles 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q683 Preposition Article Requirements - Authorized Release Certificate 09/19/19 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q689 Non-US Seller Authorized Release Certificate 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q695 Boeing Authorized Release Document (ARD) 08/17/22 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q696 Direct Ship Articles Where Customer Only Accepts 8130-3 07/26/18 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q697 Preposition Article Requirements - Direct Shipment 09/19/19 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q698 Preposition Article Requirements 09/19/19 For BGS Commercial Use
  Q699 Seller's Place of Manufacture Notification 09/19/19 For BGS Commercial Use
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Q700 -- Q799 (reserved)
  Clause Title Effective Date Comments
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Q800 -- Q899
  Clause Title Effective Date Comments
  Q800 Quality Assurance Requirement 03/06/01 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q801 Government Source Inspection (GSI) 03/06/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q802 The Boeing Company Source Inspection 03/06/01 Deactivated 07/22/14 Use Q053
  Q803 GSI Statement - Government Source Inspection (GSI) Required 08/17/22  
  Q804 Non-GSI Statement - Government Right to Inspect 06/16/22  
  Q805 Non-GSI Statement - Government Right to Inspect at Destination 08/17/22  
  Q806 First-Article Inspection at The Boeing Company 03/06/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q807 Human Space Flight Statement 06/16/22  
  Q808 Fidelity Statement - Flight Support Equipment (FSE) 06/16/22  
  Q809 Fidelity Statement - Non-Flight 06/16/22  
  Q810 Fidelity Statement - Ground Support Equipment (GSE) 08/17/22  
  Q811 Fidelity Statement - Space Flight 08/17/22  
  Q812 General Quality Assurance Requirements 03/06/01 Deactivated 09/21/17
  Q813 General Metrology Program Requirements 03/06/01  
  Q814 General Quality Assurance Program/System Requirements 03/06/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q815 Space Station Program (SSP) Quality Assurance Requirements: SSP 41173 03/06/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q816 Machined Part Inspection 03/06/01 Deactivated 11/17/17
  Q816K 100% End Item Inspection Requirement 08/22/05  
  Q817 Inspection Control Point Outline (Mandatory Inspection Points)(MIPs) 03/06/01 Deactivated 06/10/14 Use Q053
  Q818 Buyer's In-Process and Final Source Inspection Required - Pre-Cap/Pre-Seal 08/04/15  
  Q818E Buyer's In-Process & Final Source Inspection Required - Deliverable 04/26/11 Deactivated 08/27/14
Please Use Q818
  Q819E Buyer's Final Source Inspection Required - Deliverable 04/26/11 Deactivated 08/27/14
Please Use Q053
  Q820E Buyer-s In-Process Source Inspection Required - Deliverable 04/26/11 Deactivated 08/27/14
Please Use Q818
  Q821-Q828 reserved    
  Q829 Certified Weld Inspector (CWI) Requirements 03/06/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q830 Certificate of Compliance (C of C) 03/06/01 Deactivated 08/06/15 Use 090 or Q091
  Q831 Validation of Raw Material Test Reports 08/21/13  
  Q832 Raw Material Certification and Test Results 03/06/01 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q833 Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) Certification 03/06/01  
  Q834 Certification of Process 10/25/18  
Certification of Process (COP) 03/06/01
  Q835 Disposition of Nonconforming Material – MD-1898 04/01/14 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q836 Rework/Repair Report 03/06/01  
  Q836P Rejection Report -- Copy Required (Variable) 04/18/05 Deactivated 06/03/16
  Q836S Nonconformance Document Per IR 0451 10/15/15  
  Q837 Control of Nonconforming Product 11/28/12  
  Q838 Tooling Inspection and Reports by Seller 03/06/01 Deactivated 11/17/17
  Q839 ISO 9000 Series 03/06/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q840-Q858 reserved    
  Q859 Tooling Inspection at Sellers 03/06/01 Deactivated 06/10/14 Use Q053
  Q860-Q861 reserved    
  Q862 The Boeing Company Quality Surveillance 03/06/01 Deactivated 06/10/14 Use Q053
  Q863 Age-Controlled / Shelf Life Items 07/13/18  
Age-Controlled Items 03/06/01
  Q864 NASA Handbook (NHB) 5300.4 (1B) 03/06/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q865-Q874 reserved    
  Q875 NASA Handbook (NHB) 5300.4 (1C) 03/06/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q876 reserved    
  Q877 Description of Shipping Documents 03/06/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q878-Q887 reserved    
  Q888 International Space Station (ISS) Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical (EEE) Parts 08/17/22  
  Q889-Q891 reserved    
  Q892 NASA Handbook (NHB) 5300.4(1D2) 03/06/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q893 Cleanliness and Packaging Requirements 03/06/01 Deactivated 11/20/17
  Q894 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) International Certified Coating Inspector Certification 03/06/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q895 EEE Parts Procurements 03/06/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q896 Generally Clean (GC) 03/06/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q897-Q898 reserved    
  Q899 Special Quality Assurance Clause Requirements 03/06/01 Deactivated 10/18/17

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Q900 -- Q999
  Clause Title Effective Date Comments
  Q900-Q914 reserved    
  Q915 Compliance With SQAR-100B 10/01/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q916-Q920 reserved    
  Q921 Buyer's Review of Radiographic Film 10/01/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q922 reserved    
  Q923 Source Inspection 12/12/01  
  Q924   Process Validation Assessments (PVA) 04/26/05 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q925 Delegation of Buyer Source Inspection 10/11/11  
Preferred Supplier Inspection Delegation (PSID) 10/01/01
  Q926K Delegation of Inspection Authority 10/30/09 Deactivated Pre-2014
Delegation of Inspection Authority 08/04/08
Delegated Source Inspection 08/22/05
  Q927 AS9117 Requirement for Delegated Product Release Verification 10/12/17  
AS9015 Requirements for Delegation of Product Verification 07/01/13
  Q928-Q929 reserved    
  Q930 Integrated Process and Product Control (IPPC) 09/21/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q931 Process Control Assessment (PCA) 04/24/02 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q932 Process-Product Integrity Assessment (PPIA) 06/06/02 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q933-Q939 reserved    
  Q940 Evidence of Compliance With Material and Process Specification 10/01/01 Deactivated Pre-2014
  Q941-Q946 reserved    
  Q947 Electrical Wire and Cable Test Report - Deliverable 10/30/09  
Electrical Wire and Cable Test Report 10/01/01
  Q948 Calibration Data 05/23/01  
  Q948S Calibration Service Requirements -- Deliverable 11/23/05  
  Q949 Traceability 10/01/01  
  Q949V Traceability Requirements 12/15/05  
  Q950-Q960 reserved    
  Q961 Hardness Test Requirements 04/11/01 Deactivated 11/17/17
  Q962 Hardness/Conductivity Test Requirements 04/11/01  
  Q962K Final Inspection Requirements -- BAC 5650 / BAC 5946 09/13/05  
  Q963 Embrittlement Relief 05/23/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q964 Stress Relief 05/23/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q965 Special Labeling 10/01/01  
  q966 Identification of Test Items 05/24/17  
  Q966K Control Of "Engineering Use Only" Items -- Variable 08/22/05  
  Q966P Identification of Test Items 04/18/05 Deactivated 07/10/17 Use Q966
  Q967 reserved    
  Q968 Ordnance Requirements 11/11/02  
  Q968 Ordnance Requirements 12/12/01  
  Q969 Statistical Process Control 10/01/01 Deactivated 10/18/17
  Q969V Statistical Process Control 12/15/05  
  Q970 Data Review Requirements 10/01/01 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q971 Critical Attach Hardware Identification 05/14/01 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q972 Flight Critical Item Identification 05/14/01 Deactivated 04/04/18
  Q973-Q997 reserved    
  Q998 DCMA PO Entitlement (Internal Use Only) 09/08/21  
  Q999 Boeing to BDSI Internal Order 05/13/20  
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