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Please refer to referenced Contract for Quality Terms and Conditions.


Please refer to referenced Contract for Quality Terms and Conditions.


1.0 Seller is responsible for the nonconformance(s) found in the article listed on this purchase document. The nonconformance will become part of Seller's quality rating as recorded in Boeing Enterprise Supplier Tool (BEST).

2.0 When Seller disagrees with the determination of fault, Seller shall submit a Change of Charge (COC) request to the initiator within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of notification. The request must include the reason and documentation/objective evidence supporting the request. Failure to notify Boeing of disagreement with the determination of fault will be deemed to be a confirmation of Seller's acceptance of nonconformance responsibility.

3.0 Upon receipt of a request for corrective action, Seller shall conduct a review to determine what immediate corrective action must be taken to mitigate the effect of the nonconformance(s). Failure to respond within the time allowed per the request may result in withholding Seller's authorization to deliver products to Boeing, and may eventually lead to Seller's removal from the Boeing approved supplier's list.








Seller shall strictly control all inventory of Boeing proprietary product that is in excess of purchase document quantity in order to prevent product from being sold or provided to any third party without prior written authorization from Boeing. Additionally, Seller shall not provide product from excess inventory that was previously rejected or returned by Boeing without prior written authorization from Boeing.

When Seller fulfills an order in support of this purchase document with product from excess inventory for which seller was the original manufacturer, seller shall be able to demonstrate traceability to the original Boeing purchase document that authorized manufacture of the product when requested by Boeing.

6021 655 010715 CONTRACT ARTICLE

Please refer to referenced Contract for Quality Terms and Conditions.


Seller is required to maintain a quality system in compliance with Buyer's document D6-82479, "Boeing Quality Management System Requirements for Suppliers" and Appendix D, Quality Management Systems - Requirements For Aviation, Space and Defense Distributors and requirements for Boeing Recognition of Aviation, Space and Defense Quality Management System Accredited Certification/Registration to such document as each may be amended from time to time. Such document and appendix are incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference.

Buyer reserves the right to conduct surveillance at Seller's facility to make final determination that Seller's quality system meets the requirements as set forth herein.

A copy of Buyer's document D6-82479, including all appendices and addenda can be obtained at the following URL address:

6023 646 070813 SELLER FLOW DOWN

Seller shall flow down all requirements of this purchase document to the manufacturing facility identified within this purchase document.


Seller is required to maintain a quality system in conformance with Buyer's document D6-82479, "Boeing Quality Management System Requirements for Suppliers", Appendix A, Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations and Addendum1, Variation Management of Key Characteristics and Addendum 2, Quality System Requirements for Deliverable Software and requirements for Boeing Recognition of Aviation, Space and Defense Quality Management System Accredited Certification/Registration to such document as each may be amended from time to time. Such document, appendix and addenda are incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference. Buyer reserves the right to conduct surveillance at Seller's facility to determine that Seller's quality system meets the requirements as set forth herein. A copy of Buyer's document D6-82479, including all appendices and addenda can be obtained at the following URL address:


Seller is required to maintain a quality system in conformance with Buyer's document D6-82479, "Boeing Quality Management System Requirements for Suppliers", Appendix A, Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations and Addendum1, Variation Management of Key Characteristics and requirements for Boeing Recognition of Aviation, Space and Defense Quality Management System Accredited Certification/Registration to such document as each may be amended from time to time. Such document, appendix and addenda are incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference.

Buyer reserves the right to conduct surveillance at Seller's facility to determine that Seller's quality system meets the requirements as set forth herein.

A copy of Buyer's document D6-82479, including all appendices and addenda can be obtained at the following URL:








Seller shall provide evidence that the product(s) provided in accordance with this purchase document are new and were obtained from the original manufacturer identified within this purchase document. Seller’s evidence shall include a legible copy of the original manufacturer’s certificate of conformity (C of C) and seller’s packing sheet with reference to the provided manufacturer’s C of C.








Seller is required to establish and maintain a FOD prevention program in accordance with D6-85622, “Foreign Object Debris/Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Requirements for Boeing Suppliers.” Seller shall implement processes and procedures for “Foreign Object Debris/Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Requirements for Boeing Suppliers” effective 1/01/2016.


Seller is required to maintain a quality system in conformance with Buyer's document D6-82479, "Boeing Quality Management System Requirements for Suppliers", Appendix A, Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations and Addendum 2, Quality System Requirements for Deliverable Software and requirements for Boeing Recognition of Aviation, Space and Defense Quality Management System Accredited Certification/Registration to such document as each may be amended from time to time. Such document, appendix and addenda are incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference.

Buyer reserves the right to conduct surveillance at Seller's facility to determine that Seller's quality system meets the requirements as set forth herein.

A copy of Buyer's document D6-82479, including all appendices and addenda can be obtained at the following URL: http://www.boeingsuppliers.com/supplier/index.html


Seller is required to maintain a quality system in conformance with Buyer's document D6-82479, "Boeing Quality Management System Requirements for Suppliers", Appendix A Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations and requirements for Boeing Recognition of Aviation, Space and Defense Quality Management System Accredited Certification/Registration to such document as each may be amended from time to time. Such document and appendix are incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference.

Buyer reserves the right to conduct surveillance at Seller's facility to determine that Seller's quality system meets the requirements as set forth herein.

A copy of Buyer's document D6-82479, including all appendices and addenda can be obtained at the following URL:

6045 651 052710 Deleted.

When Seller uses an Operator Self-Verification (OSV) program, Seller shall comply with the requirements set forth in D6-85748, “Aerospace Operator Self-Verification Programs”, as may be amended from time to time. Buyer reserves the right to conduct surveillance at Seller's facility to determine that Seller is compliant to the requirements of D6-85748. Upon publication and release of SAE industry standard AS9162 “Aerospace Operator Self Verification Programs”, Boeing Document D6-85748 shall be considered cancelled, and if Seller uses OSV program, Seller shall comply with the requirements of AS9162. Boeing shall retain all rights to conduct surveillance at Seller’s facility to determine Seller’s compliance to the requirements of AS9162.


This procurement is under Boeing's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued Production Certificate 700 quality system supplier control program.

Unless explicit direction is given to the contrary, no articles (or constituent parts thereof) ordered by Boeing shall contain any Federal Aviation Administration-Parts Manufacturer Approval (FAA-PMA) markings, the articles shall not be certified under an FAA-PMA approval, and the accompanying paperwork (e.g., packages, shippers, etc.) shall not contain any FAA-PMA markings.


“Seller hereby acknowledges that the parts and/or materials being shipped under this order are intended for use under Boeing's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued Production Certificate 700 and no articles (or constituent parts thereof) or the accompanying paperwork (e.g., packages, shippers, etc.) contain any Federal Aviation Administration - Parts Manufacturer Approval (FAA-PMA)."

Seller shall comply with following requirements and flow down all applicable sections of this clause to its subcontractors:

1. Seller shall furnish goods and services in accordance with all requirements of this purchase document (including descriptions, specifications, drawings and schedules), to standard commercial practices and where applicable, other specifications identified within the technical requirements documentation or other attachments which are part of this purchase document. The Seller shall ensure that all articles are of new manufacture and free of Foreign Object Debris/Damage (FOD).

2. Seller shall ensure right of entry and provide all reasonable facilities to Boeing, Boeing Customer, and Regulatory Agency personnel to inspect and evaluate Seller's facilities, systems, data, equipment, personnel and any articles that will be incorporated into Boeing type-certificated articles. Right of entry/access includes meeting the requirements of the FAA and/or applicable equivalent foreign civil aviation authorities to perform oversight of the facility. While Boeing reserves the right to conduct inspection on a surveillance basis or to the extent of 100 percent inspection, no shipments are to be held for Boeing unless Boeing Source Acceptance is invoked on the purchase document.

3. Seller shall maintain, and have available on a timely basis, Quality records traceable to the conformance of the article delivered to Boeing. Seller shall make such records available to regulatory authorities and Boeing's authorized representatives. Seller shall retain such records for calendar year plus (10) ten years from the date of shipment under each applicable Order for all product/part numbers unless otherwise specified on the purchase order.

4. Seller shall strictly control all inventory of Boeing proprietary articles that are in excess of purchase document quantity in order to prevent articles from being sold or provided to any third party without prior written authorization from Boeing. Additionally, Seller shall not provide articles from excess inventory that were previously rejected or returned by Boeing without prior written authorization from Boeing.

5. When Boeing identifies nonconforming articles and determines the cause to be the Seller's fault, the Seller shall be notified and take immediate action to eliminate the nonconformance on all articles in Seller's control. Boeing will provide the Seller with notification. Upon receipt of such notification, the Seller shall develop and implement acceptable corrective action. Seller shall also maintain, on file, verification that root cause corrective action has occurred and has resolved the subject condition. Boeing reserves the right to review the verification data at the Seller's facility or have the data submitted to Boeing.

6. Boeing reserves the right to reject any root cause and/or corrective action determination provided by the Seller, and may request subsequent investigation and/or corrective action to either Boeing or Seller-initiated corrective action requests. If the Seller is late in responding to corrective action requests by Boeing, or if Boeing requires subsequent corrective action, Boeing reserves the right to withhold acceptance of shipments either at source or destination until Seller's corrective action is submitted to Boeing's satisfaction.

7. For material, part, assembly, unit or other aircraft hardware (hereafter referred to as 'Product') returned for rework as the result of a Seller generated Notification of Escapement (NOE) or Expanded Scope SQIS RCCA record, Seller shall: a) When nonconformance rework is not measurable or visible after completion of rework, ensure Product(s) are identified with a distinctive marking method to identify that Product has been reworked by Seller to resolve the NOE or Expanded Scope nonconformance when responding to a Corrective Action RCCA required SQIS record. Marking method shall be mutually agreed to by Boeing Material Review Board (MRB) and Seller to minimize cost and disruption, and may vary due to Product size, available space on Product, and airplane installation location. Agreed to marking method shall be identified by the Seller on the relevant NOE or Expanded Scope SQIS RCCA record. b) Ensure pack slip document states that Product has been reworked under all relevant NOEs, including the applicable NOE numbers. For SQIS RCCA Expanded Scope, include the applicable Nonconformance record (NC) number(s).

8. When the Seller disagrees with the determination of fault, Seller shall submit a Change of Charge (COC) request to the initiator within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of notification. The request must include the reason and documentation/objective evidence supporting the request. Failure to notify Boeing of disagreement with the determination of fault will be deemed to be a confirmation of the Seller's acceptance of nonconformance responsibility.

9. Seller shall provide written notification to Boeing when a nonconformance is determined to exist, or is suspected to exist, on product already delivered to Boeing:

9.1 Written notification shall include the following information:

  1. Boeing Purchase Document number(s).
  2. Affected process(es) or product number(s) and names.
  3. Description of the nonconforming condition and the affected engineering requirement (i.e. what it is and what it should be).
  4. Quantities, dates and destinations of delivered shipments.
  5. Suspect/affected serial number(s) or date codes.

Notification must occur within three (3) business days of knowing all the above information. However, if the condition is possible safety of flight, submit all available information immediately.

9.2 Seller shall notify the BCA Supplier Quality Special Investigations Group.

9.3 Written notification shall be submitted to the BCA Supplier Quality Special Investigations Group through the Boeing Partners Network, via the "BCA Notification of Escapement" link in "My Products" or when unavailable, the Boeing Procurement Representative.

9.4 If directed by the Boeing Supplier Quality Representative (SQR), Seller shall submit a Background Notification (BN) form to the Boeing SQR for pre-evaluation and guidance. The BN form is available at the following website: http://www.boeingsuppliers.com/d14426/index.html , by selecting the User Instructions / Processor Requirements link, then the Exhibits and Appendices link, and then the Exhibit IV link.

9.5 If the nonconforming condition has been previously identified by Boeing using a nonconformance record and a corrective action has been requested, the Seller shall notify the Boeing investigator identified on the notification that additional parts are affected (same part number(s)/same condition). Boeing discovered issues where corrective action has not been officially requested by Boeing (Nonconformance Notification (NN) issued in lieu of Root Cause Corrective Action (RCCA) Request) are also in scope of the NoE process.

Note: Additional part numbers or new nonconforming conditions are in scope for the NoE process.

9.6 The requirements set forth above shall be flowed down by Seller to Seller’s supply chain, with the modification that all supply chain notification shall pass through Seller (and not be made direct from supply chain to Boeing). Seller shall notify Boeing of all sub-tier escapes in accordance with respective communication process set forth herein. For purpose of this note, supply chain shall mean Seller’s complete network of material, equipment, information, and services integrated into products and services.

10. Seller is required to maintain compliance with Boeing Approved Process Sources (D1-4426) as may be revised from time to time. This document defines the approved sources for special processing, composite raw materials, composite products, aircraft bearings, designated fasteners, and metallic raw materials.

11. Seller shall maintain actual processor certifications for all D1-4426 special processes performed in accordance with the requirements of this purchase document. In addition to all certification requirements defined by the applicable processing specification(s), the certifications shall contain the following:

  1. The complete part number of the article(s) represented by the certification;
  2. The total quantity of the parts (for each part number) represented by the certification;
  3. The company name and address of the performing processor. The address shall include street address, city and state;
  4. The specification number(s) and revision letter of the D1-4426 process performed. Seller shall provide such certification upon Boeing request.

12. Seller's use of approved processors does not relieve Seller from verifying that the processor and the article conforms to all applicable process specification requirements.

13. Where Boeing specifications and/or processes are listed within the detail design, specification control, or envelope drawing, incorporated by this purchase document, Seller shall adhere to the latest revision of the Boeing specification and/or process, unless otherwise specified in the purchase document.

14. When specifically requested by Boeing, Seller shall make specified quality data and/or approved design data available in the English language.

15. Raw material must not be re-certified with respect to heat treat temper, thickness, diameter, width or cross sectional area or product form. Heat treating, machining or cutting of thicker product or other product forms shall not be supplied in lieu of specified product unless specifically authorized by Boeing. Raw material certifications for material or parts shall reflect the temper, form, and size of the raw material as originally manufactured by the raw material producer.

15.1 Boeing Heritage Spares - Seller articles containing metallic raw material from foreign sources shall be procured in accordance with D1-4426, Approved Process Sources Metallic Raw Materials - Non USA & Titanium Ingot (All) - process codes 600-699. Seller shall maintain on file a certification traceable to each product listing the material and the foreign sources' name and address.

15.2 McDonnell Douglas (MD) Heritage Spares - Seller articles containing metallic raw material from foreign sources shall be procured in accordance with DMS2201, Procurement From Foreign Sources - Metallic Raw Materials QPL (Qualified Product List) and D1-4426 Approved Process Sources Metallic Raw Materials - Non USA & Titanium Ingot (All) - process codes 600-699. Seller shall maintain on file a certification traceable to each product listing the material and the foreign sources' name and address.

16. Seller shall ensure that interior articles that are certified to Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 25.853 requirements continue to meet such requirements for subsequent articles on production units. Upon request, the supplier shall provide proof of testing of articles to verify their conformance to flammability requirements.

17. When the Seller uses sampling inspection as a means of product acceptance, the plan shall be statistically valid and appropriate for use. The plan shall preclude the acceptance of known defectives in the lot.

18. For Diversion/Offload Work, the Seller's operator shall stamp to the right of each Seller accomplished production operation on the Production Order (PO), or Seller's equivalent shop traveler. The Seller's inspector shall stamp to the right of each established inspection operation on the PO or Seller's equivalent shop traveler to certify the quality and completeness of the work operation performed.

19. The Seller's shipping documentation shall contain the following:

  1. A Packing Sheet;    
  2. A Certificate of Conformity (C of C) statement on the packing sheet certifying its Quality Assurance department has inspected the articles and they adhere to all contract requirements, applicable drawings/ specifications;
  3. For articles intended for use on Boeing Commercial Aircraft, the statement, Seller hereby acknowledges that the parts and/or materials being shipped under this order are intended for use under Boeing's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued Production Certificate 700 and no articles (or constituent parts thereof) or the accompanying paperwork (e.g., packages, shippers, etc.) contain any Federal Aviation Administration - Parts Manufacturer Approval (FAA-PMA).
  4. The nonconformance/rejection tag number(s), and a copy of the nonconformance/rejection tag(s) for the articles shipped, as applicable;
  5. Evidence of Boeing acceptance, when Boeing Source Acceptance is required;
  6. A Serialized Parts List identifying parts with assigned serial numbers. The list shall contain the part numbers, part nomenclature and part serial numbers. This list shall also include part change letters when applicable;
  7. Control identity of the end item deliverable of raw material or purchased articles, as applicable. The control identification is traceable to the article processed in a single run (same manufacturing date, lot, batch, heat, job or shop traveler number). When multiple lots are included in one shipment, Seller shall clearly separate the control identity of the respective lots. Serial numbers are required as part of control identity when specified by the engineering data;
  8. When the Seller is located outside of the United States and they submit an EASA/JAA/FCAA FORM-1, the following conditions must exist on the form:

    1. Block 11 status is identified as "NEW"
    2. Block 12 titled "Remarks" contains a statement certifying the Seller's Quality Assurance department has inspected the parts.
    3. Block 12 titled "Remarks" does not contain certification statements of PMA, prototype, not to be installed on certified aircraft, or any statement that does not support PC700 certification.
    4. Block 13a "Certifies that the items identified above were manufactured in conformity to: approved design data and are in condition for safe operation"

This procurement is under Boeing's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued Production Certificate 700 quality system supplier control program.

Unless explicit direction is given to the contrary, no articles (or constituent parts thereof) ordered by Boeing shall contain any Federal Aviation Administration-Parts Manufacturer Approval (FAA-PMA) markings, the articles shall not be certified under an FAA-PMA approval, and the accompanying paperwork (e.g., packages, shippers, etc.) shall not contain any FAA-PMA markings.


"Seller hereby acknowledges that the parts and/or materials being shipped under this order are intended for use under Boeing's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued Production Certificate 700 and no articles (or constituent parts thereof) or the accompanying paperwork (e.g., packages, shippers, etc.) contain any Federal Aviation Administration - Parts Manufacturer Approval (FAA-PMA)."

Seller shall comply with the following requirements and flow down in Seller’s direct supply contracts related to the Products/Part Numbers. Supply chain shall mean network of material, equipment, information, and services integrated into products and services for the ultimate customer:

1.0 Change in Quality Management Representative

1.1 Seller shall promptly notify Boeing of any changes in the management representative with assigned responsibility and authority for the quality system.

2.0 English Language

2.1 When specifically requested by Boeing, Seller shall make specified quality data and/or approved design data available in the English language.

3.0 Change in Manufacturing Facility

3.1 Seller shall immediately notify Boeing in writing of any change to the name of the manufacturing facility or the manufacturing facility location of the contracted part number or assembly. Notification shall be made to the Boeing Procurement Representative responsible for the management of this purchase document and the Boeing Supplier Quality Representative responsible for the oversight of the Seller's Quality Management System.

4.0 Retention of Records.

4.1 Seller shall maintain, and have available on a timely basis, Quality records traceable to the conformance of the article(s) delivered to Boeing. Seller shall make such records available to regulatory authorities and Boeing's authorized representatives. Seller shall retain such records for calendar year plus (10) ten years from the date of shipment under each applicable Order for all articles unless otherwise specified on the Order.

4.2 At the expiration of such period set forth above and prior to any disposal of records, Seller will notify Boeing of records to be disposed of and Boeing reserves the right to request delivery of such records. In the event Boeing chooses to exercise this right, Seller shall promptly deliver such records to Boeing at no additional cost on media agreed to by both parties.

5.0 Excess Inventory

5.1 Seller shall strictly control all inventory of Boeing proprietary articles that are in excess of purchase document quantity in order to prevent articles from being sold or provided to any third party without prior written authorization from Boeing. Additionally, Seller shall not provide articles from excess inventory that were previously rejected or returned by Boeing without prior written authorization from Boeing.

6.0 Control of Nonconforming Product

6.1 When Boeing notifies Seller of a detected nonconformance, Seller shall immediately take action to eliminate the nonconformance on all products in Seller's control. When nonconforming product is determined to be Seller's fault, Boeing will provide Seller with notification. Upon receipt of such notification, Seller shall develop and implement acceptable corrective action.

6.2 Seller shall maintain verification that root cause corrective action has occurred and has resolved the nonconforming condition. At the specific request of Boeing, this verification shall occur after implementation of the corrective action to ensure detected nonconformance has been eliminated. Boeing reserves the right to review the verification data at the Seller's facility or have the data submitted to Boeing.

6.3 When Seller disagrees with the determination of fault, Seller shall submit a Change of Charge (COC) request to the initiator within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of notification. The request must include the reason and documentation/objective evidence supporting the request. Failure to notify Boeing of disagreement with the determination of fault will be deemed to be a confirmation of Seller's acceptance of nonconformance responsibility.

6.4 Boeing reserves the right to reject any root cause and/or corrective action determination provided by Seller, and may request subsequent investigation and/or corrective action to either Boeing or Seller-initiated corrective action requests. If Seller is late in responding to Boeing corrective action requests, or if Boeing requires subsequent corrective action, Boeing reserves the right to withhold acceptance of shipments either at source or destination until Seller corrective action is submitted to Boeing's satisfaction.

6.5 For material, part, assembly, unit or other aircraft hardware (hereafter referred to as 'Product') returned for rework as the result of a Seller generated Notification of Escapement (NOE) or Expanded Scope SQIS RCCA record, Seller shall: a) When nonconformance rework is not measurable or visible after completion of rework, ensure Product(s) are identified with a distinctive marking method to identify that Product has been reworked by Seller to resolve the NOE or Expanded Scope nonconformance when responding to a Corrective Action RCCA required SQIS record. Marking method shall be mutually agreed to by Boeing Material Review Board (MRB) and Seller to minimize cost and disruption, and may vary due to Product size, available space on Product, and airplane installation location. Agreed to marking method shall be identified by the Seller on the relevant NOE or Expanded Scope SQIS RCCA record. b) Ensure pack slip document states that Product has been reworked under all relevant NOEs, including the applicable NOE numbers. For SQIS RCCA Expanded Scope, include the applicable Nonconformance record (NC) number(s).

7.0 Notification of Escape (NOE)

7.1 Seller shall provide written notification to Boeing when a nonconformance is determined to exist, or is suspected to exist, on product already delivered to Boeing.  

7.2 Written notification shall include the following information:

  1. Boeing Purchase Document number(s).
  2. Affected process(es) or product number(s) and names.
  3. Description of the nonconforming condition and the affected engineering requirement (i.e. what it is and what it should be).
  4. Quantities, dates and destinations of delivered shipments.
  5. Suspect/affected serial number(s) or date codes.

Notification must occur within three (3) business days of knowing all the above information. However, if the condition is possible safety of flight, submit all available information immediately.

7.3 Seller shall notify the BCA Supplier Quality Special Investigations Group.

7.4 Written notification shall be submitted to the BCA Supplier Quality Special Investigations Group through the Boeing Partners Network, via the "BCA Notification of Escapement" link in "My Products" or when unavailable, the Boeing Procurement Representative.

7.5 If directed by the Boeing Supplier Quality Representative (SQR), Seller shall submit a Background Notification (BN) form to the Boeing SQR for pre-evaluation and guidance. The BN form is available at the following website: http://www.boeingsuppliers.com/d14426/index.html , by selecting the User Instructions / Processor Requirements link, then the Exhibits and Appendices link, and then the Exhibit IV link.

7.6 If the nonconforming condition has been previously identified by Boeing using a nonconformance record and a corrective action has been requested, the Seller shall notify the Boeing investigator identified on the notification that additional parts are affected (same part number(s)/same condition). Boeing discovered issues where corrective action has not been officially requested by Boeing (Nonconformance Notification (NN) issued in lieu of Root Cause Corrective Action (RCCA) Request) are also in scope for the NoE process.

Note: Additional part numbers or new nonconforming conditions are in scope for the NoE process.

7.7 The requirements set forth above shall be flowed down by Seller to Seller’s supply chain, with the modification that all supply chain notification shall pass through Seller (and not be made direct from supply chain to Boeing). Seller shall notify Boeing of all sub-tier escapes in accordance with respective communication process set forth herein. For purpose of this note, supply chain shall mean Seller’s complete network of material, equipment, information, and services integrated into products and services.

8.0 Supplier Funded Source Inspection
8.1 If the Seller fails to achieve and maintain Bronze quality acceptance rate for BCA as shown in Enterprise Supplier Performance Measurement (ESPM) or its equivalent, the Seller may be subject to Supplier Funded Source Inspection (SFSI). Furthermore, without regard to ESPM or equivalent metrics, if upon Boeing’s determination, after coordination with Seller, that Seller’s quality failures represent a chronic or substantial impact to Boeing, then SFSI may be implemented at Boeing discretion. SFSI may be implemented in accordance with any of the following steps:

  1. Obtaining source inspection from a Boeing-qualified contractor at Seller's own expense;
  2. Reimbursing Boeing for reasonable Boeing costs incurred at the point of manufacture (i.e. Seller's site) to verify product conformance;
  3. Reimburse Boeing for reasonable Boeing costs incurred at the point of receipt to verify product conformance.

Note: The Seller's ESPM or equivalent quality acceptance rate is a calculation of the ratio of acceptable units delivered to the total units delivered, or an alternate criteria quality acceptance rating, equivalent to 100% as defined by the contracting Boeing site(s).

9.0 Boeing Approved Process Sources (D1-4426)

9.1 Seller is required to maintain compliance with this document as may be revised from time to time. This document defines the approved sources for special processing, composite raw materials, composite products, aircraft bearings, designated fasteners, and metallic raw materials.

9.2 Seller and their subcontractor(s) shall utilize sources listed in Document D1-4426 "Approved Process Sources" whenever the manufacturing and/or inspection processes listed in D1-4426 are performed on this purchase document. The current version of D1-4426 is accessible via the internet at the following web address http://www.boeingsuppliers.com/d14426/

9.3 Seller shall maintain actual processor certification for all D1-4426 special processes performed in accordance with the requirements of this purchase document. In addition to all certification requirements defined by the applicable processing specification(s), the certifications shall contain the following:

  1. The complete part number of the article(s) represented by the certification;
  2. The total quantity of the parts (for each part number) represented by the certification;
  3. The company name and address of the performing processor. The address shall include street address, city and state;
  4. The specification number(s) and revision letter of the D1-4426 process performed.

9.4 Seller shall provide such certification upon Boeing request.

9.5 Seller's use of approved processors does not relieve Seller from verifying that the processor and the products conform to all applicable process specification requirements.

9.6 Where Boeing specifications and/or processes are listed within the detail design, specification control, or envelope drawing, incorporated by this purchase document, Seller shall adhere to the latest revision of the Boeing specification and/or process, unless otherwise specified in the purchase document.

10.0 Shipping Documentation:

10.1 Seller's shipping documentation shall contain the following:

  1. A Packing Sheet;
  2. A Certificate of Conformity (C of C) statement on the packing sheet certifying its Quality Assurance department has inspected the articles and they adhere to all contract requirements, applicable drawings/ specifications;
  3. For articles intended for use on Boeing Commercial Aircraft, the statement, Seller hereby acknowledges that the parts and/or materials being shipped under this order are intended for use under Boeing's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued Production Certificate 700 and no articles (or constituent parts thereof) or the accompanying paperwork (e.g., packages, shippers, etc.) contain any Federal Aviation Administration - Parts Manufacturer Approval (FAA-PMA).
  4. The nonconformance/rejection tag number(s), and a copy of the nonconformance/rejection tag(s) for the articles shipped, as applicable;
  5. Evidence of Boeing's product acceptance, when Boeing Source Acceptance is required;
  6. A Serialized Parts List identifying parts with an assigned serial numbers. The list shall contain the part numbers, part nomenclature and part serial numbers. This list shall also include part change letters when applicable;
  7. Control identity of the end item deliverable of raw material or purchased articles, as applicable. The control identification is traceable to the article processed in a single run (same manufacturing date, lot, batch, heat, job or shop traveler number). When multiple lots are included in one shipment, Seller shall clearly separate the control identity of the respective lots. Serial numbers are required as part of the control identity when specified by the engineering data;
  8. When the Seller is located outside of the United States and they submit an EASA/JAA/FCAA FORM-1, the following conditions must exist on the form:

    1. Block 11 status is identified as "NEW"

    2. Block 12 titled "Remarks" contains a statement certifying the Seller's Quality Assurance department has inspected the parts.

    3. Block 12 titled "Remarks" does not contain certification statements of PMA, prototype, not to be installed on certified aircraft, or any statement that does not support PC700 certification.
    4. Block 13a "Certifies that the items identified above were manufactured in conformity to: approved design data and are in condition for safe operation"

11.0 Digital Product Definition

11.1 Boeing document D6-51991, "Quality Assurance Standard for Digital Product Definition at Boeing Suppliers". When Type Design Digital Product Definition (DPD) data is utilized in manufacturing, inspection and sub-tier flow-down of product definition, Seller shall have a quality system to control Type Design DPD data to the extent necessary to fulfill program requirements. Seller must obtain Boeing DPD capability approval.

12.0 Seller Tooling Requirements

12.1 Seller shall comply with the requirements of D33200, "Boeing Suppliers' Tooling Document." It is Seller's responsibility to comply with the latest revision of these documents.

13.0 Seller Material Review Board (MRB) Limitations

13.1 Seller is not authorized to disposition nonconforming McDonnell Douglas (MD) Heritage design product. Requests for Boeing MRB dispositions (Use as is, Rework or Repair) of MD Heritage design shall be submitted through the Request for Assistance (RFA) using the Supplier Nonconformance Notification (SNN).

13.2 Any nonconformance of Seller's own detailed design, manufacturing, or process requirements not included in, or affecting specifications or drawings forming a part of this purchase document may be addressed by Seller's normal material review process. Seller shall not make repairs or accept without repair any nonconforming condition adversely affecting fit, form, function, performance, safety, weight, maintainability, service life, interchangeability, or appearance (where a factor) for this article.

14.0 Material Substitution Requests

14.1 Material Substitutions are a change to Type Design Data and require an EO/SEO to the applicable drawing, or inclusion in the Approved Material Substitution List (AMSL) or Part Specific Approved Material Substitution List (PSAMSL) as applicable. Sellers shall submit material substitution requests on an Engineering Liaison Request (ELR) to the Boeing Procurement Agent. Material substitutions listed in the AMSL or PSAMSL do not require additional Boeing authority.

Seller is authorized to utilize the listed substitutions within the guidelines and requirements of the AMSL/PSAMSL.

15.0 McDonnell Douglas (MD) Heritage Deliverable Software

15.1 Sellers providing Boeing with software or articles containing software shall prepare, implement and maintain a Software Quality Assurance Plan specifying the software quality assurance program. Seller shall document the plan in accordance with the requirements of Data Item Description Q-320, Software Quality Assurance Plan. (Reference Seller's Supplier Data Requirements List (SDRL). The plan and any subsequent changes thereto require Software Quality Assurance written approval prior to implementation.

16.0 Raw Material

16.1 Raw material must not be re-certified with respect to heat treat temper, thickness, diameter, width or cross sectional area or product form. Heat treating, machining or cutting of thicker product or other product forms shall not be supplied in lieu of specified product unless specifically authorized by Boeing. Raw material certifications for material or parts shall reflect the temper, form, and size of the raw material as originally manufactured by the raw material producer.

16.2 When Seller utilizes test reports to accept Seller purchased raw material, the following requirements apply:

  1. Test reports shall be checked 100% against Seller’s requirements and applicable specifications.
  2. Validation test requirement: Seller shall periodically validate test reports for raw material accepted on the basis of test reports. That validation shall be accomplished by Seller or other independent party through periodic, scheduled tests of raw material samples. Schedules for frequency of tests will be established by Seller based on historical performance of the raw material supplier.
  3. Seller shall retain test reports provided by the raw material supplier, as well as Seller’s validation test results as quality records traceable to the conformance of Goods, as specified elsewhere in this Contract.

16.3 Boeing Heritage Spares - Seller articles containing metallic raw material from foreign sources shall be procured in accordance with D1-4426, Approved Process Sources Metallic Raw Materials - Non USA & Titanium Ingot (All) - process codes 600-699. Seller shall maintain on file a certification traceable to each product listing the material and the foreign sources' name and address.

16.4 McDonnell Douglas (MD) Heritage Spares - Seller articles containing metallic raw material from foreign sources shall be procured in accordance with DMS2201, Procurement From Foreign Sources - Metallic Raw Materials QPL (Qualified Product List) and D1-4426 Approved Process Sources Metallic Raw Materials - Non USA & Titanium Ingot (All) - process codes 600-699. Seller shall maintain on file a certification traceable to each product listing the material and the foreign sources' name and address.

17.0 Products of New Manufacture

17.1 Seller shall ensure that all products and materials are of new manufacture and free of Foreign Object Debris/Damage (FOD). All products and materials delivered, and processes performed, shall meet all specifications and requirements contained in the Purchase Document including reference documents specified therein.

18.0 Assistance

18.1 Seller and their subcontractors shall provide all reasonable assistance, facilities and equipment to itinerant and/or resident Boeing and Regulatory Agency personnel. Seller shall ensure right of entry and provide all reasonable facilities to Boeing, Boeing Customer, and Regulatory Agency personnel to inspect and evaluate Seller's facilities, systems, data, equipment, personnel and any articles that will be incorporated into Boeing type-certificated articles. Right of entry/access includes meeting the requirements of the FAA and/or applicable equivalent foreign civil aviation authorities to perform oversight of the facility. While Boeing reserves the right to conduct inspection on a surveillance basis or to the extent of 100 percent inspection, no shipments are to be held for Boeing unless Boeing Source Acceptance is invoked on the purchase document.

19.0 Flammability Requirements

19.1 Seller shall verify that interior articles that are certified to Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 25.853 requirements continue to meet such requirements for subsequent production units. At Boeing request, the Seller shall provide proof of testing of articles to verify their conformance to flammability requirements.

20.0 Technical Data Control and Acceptance

20.1 After Boeing acceptance of a Seller product design, no changes shall be made without written authorization from Boeing for any change which will or may affect:

  1. Interchangeability, performance, weight, safety, reliability, service life, fit, form, function, and maintainability;
  2. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) type certification; or
  3. Boeing Qualification status.

21.0 Requirements for Delegation of Product Verification

21.1 When Seller delegates product verification, Seller shall conform to the requirements of AS9117, “Delegated Product Release Verification”, as may be amended from time to time. Buyer reserves the right to conduct surveillance at Seller's facility to determine that Seller's quality system conforms to the requirements of AS9117.

AS9117 establishes minimum requirements for Seller's delegation of product verification. When delegating product verification, Seller is not relieved of the obligations under this contract.

Aerospace standards such as AS9117 can be obtained from SAE, the Society of Automotive Engineers at: http://www.sae.org

6057 665* 052710 Deleted.

Quality Assurance Terms and Conditions are contained in The Boeing Company General Provisions GP1 and as applicable, any Seller contract agreement with Boeing related to this purchase document

6120 679 121600 BREATHING OXYGEN

1.0. The Seller shall comply with the requirements of MIL-PRF-27210, Oxygen, Aviator's Breathing, Liquid and Gas, MIL-STD-1551, Quality Control of Gaseous and Liquid Aviator's Breathing Oxygen at Aircraft Contractor Facilities, as identified below:

  1. Sellers of aviator's breathing oxygen in bulk shall furnish LBD the following, with each shipment:
    1. A copy of the bulk manufacturer's certificate of conformance to MIL-STD-1551 (to assure Air Force-approved oxygen);
    2. The Seller's own certificate of conformance to MIL-PRF-27210 (to assure cleanliness of transfer, storage, conversion and regulating equipment. It shall include purity, odor and moisture results.
  2. Seller of aviator's breathing oxygen in portable crew cylinders shall furnish LBD the following with each shipment:
    1. A copy of the bulk manufacturer's certificate of conformance to MIL-PRF-27210;
    2. The Seller's own certificate of conformance to assure cleanliness of transfer, storage, conversion and regulating equipment.

2.0. Copies of test certificates and periodic test results shall be maintained on file at the Seller's facility for a minimum of two (2) years.


1.0. Source inspection by a Boeing qualified contractor is required for items procured on this purchase document prior to shipment from the Seller's facility. Source inspection may include in-process activities such as processing, fabrication, witness of testing and/or final inspection. The Seller shall obtain source inspection from a Boeing qualified contractor at the Seller's own expense. The Seller shall provide the Boeing qualified contractor's quality representative with a copy of this purchase order, applicable drawings, specifications and changes thereto, and such other information as may be required. Seller shall provide the necessary use of the Seller's facility and equipment to perform the inspection. Seller shall obtain and provide such services at no additional cost to Boeing.

2.0. Seller shall notify the Boeing qualified contractor after Seller's final acceptance and at least 72 hours in advance of the time the product is to be source accepted.

6211 603 101916 SOURCE ACCEPTANCE

1.0. Boeing source acceptance is required for items procured on this purchase document. Acceptance may include in-process activities such as processing, fabrication, witness of testing and/or final inspection. Seller shall provide the Boeing Quality Assurance Representative with a copy of this purchase document, applicable drawings, specifications and changes thereto, and such other information as may be required. Seller shall provide the necessary use of the Seller's facility and equipment to perform the inspection.

Notify the Boeing Quality Assurance Representative that services the Seller's facility via the Supplier Quality Information System (SQIS) forty-eight (48) hours in advance of required source acceptance activity. In the event you are unable to access the Supplier Quality Information System, contact the Boeing Quality Assurance Representative or Boeing Procurement Agent for assistance.

6220 604 101916 PLANNING APPROVAL

When DPS 4.505, DPS 4.804, DPS 4.712, DPS 4.813, DPS 4.814, D6-1276 or D6-17781 is referenced in the Engineering data for articles specified on this purchase document, Seller's manufacturing planning shall be approved by Boeing prior to commencing manufacture. Upon approval, Seller shall not change the manufacturing planning without first submitting changes to Boeing for re-approval.

Boeing requires that the provisions/requirements set forth above be included in Seller's direct supply contracts as well as the obligation that they be flowed to the sub-tier supply chain. For purposes of this note, Supply Chain shall mean Seller's complete network of material, equipment, information, and services integrated into products and services. It focuses on direct and all lower-tier suppliers.


Seller shall perform 100% inspection for in-process and final inspection or Seller shall conform to requirements of Boeing document D1-8007 "Requirements for Supplier Statistical Plans" as may be amended from time to time. With the exception noted herein Seller statistical sampling procedure/plan conformance to Boeing document D1-8007 will constitute Boeing Quality approval.

Note: Any characteristics identified in the design documentation as "Safety" or "Critical" (or "Safety Critical," et al.) characteristics shall not be accepted using statistical product acceptance methods unless prior written authorization is granted by the specific Boeing design authority, or the method for acceptance is specifically defined in the design documentation. A "Safety" or "Critical" (or "Safety Critical," et al.) characteristic is defined as a characteristic designated by the design authority, where the responsibility for its definition is outside the scope of recommended practice ARP9013.

Buyer reserves the right to disallow a supplier's statistical methods for product acceptance for specific sites/programs, parts or characteristics, and to conduct surveillance at Seller's facility to assess conformance to the requirements of Boeing document D1-8007, available at https://suppliers.boeing.com within the "Supplier Quality" webpage.


Seller has been granted inspection delegation authority. Seller’s evidence of inspection acceptance of product(s) identified for this purchase document shall include a signed or stamped certificate of conformance (C of C) certifying its Quality Assurance Department has inspected the product(s) to all applicable drawings and/or specifications.


Ground Support Equipment (GSE) is not applicable to airplane form, fit or function and does not require Quality System or Airworthiness Certification.


Seller shall comply with the requirements of D33200, Boeing Supplier's Tooling Document. It is Seller's responsibility to comply with the latest revision of these documents.

6261 607 052710 Deleted.

Seller shall perform First Article Inspections (FAI) in accordance with AS/EN/SJAC 9102, Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement.


Seller shall perform First Article Inspections (FAI) in accordance with AS/EN/SJAC 9102, Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement.

Buyer may allow alternate methods of meeting the FAI requirement provided the Seller’s plan is approved by the Buyer’s Supplier Quality Representative (SQR) prior to initiation of the activity (e.g. for installation level drawings or wiring).

Buyer reserves the right to conduct surveillance of the Seller’s FAI, referred to as Boeing First Article Inspection (BFAI). BFAI may include in-process inspections to be accomplished during performance of the Seller’s FAI. When a BFAI is required, Seller will be notified via the Supplier Quality supplier data system. Seller shall coordinate and schedule BFAI activity with the Buyer’s SQR prior to start of related procurement, manufacturing, and/or processing. In the event a BFAI of the Seller’s FAI is scheduled, supplier shall make available to the Buyer’s SQR the following:

  1. Applicable purchase document, material/process certifications, manufacturing and inspection records; including inspection plans developed to identify progressive inspection checkpoints for the FAI as a result of coordination and planning with Buyer’s SQR
  2. Applicable design data
  3. Applicable documented configuration baseline and configuration summary
  4. Applicable material review actions
  5. Applicable acceptance and qualification test results
  6. Applicable record(s) of Boeing approval for non-Boeing drawing and test procedures
  7. Seller's First Article Inspection Report (FAIR), as defined by AS9102

Seller shall maintain a copy of the closed FAI/BFAI record along with Seller's FAIR documentation.

Seller shall flow-down to its Supply Chain the FAI provisions/requirements set forth above. For purposes of this clause, "Supply Chain" means Seller's complete network of material, equipment, information, and services integrated into deliverable products and services provided to Seller by Seller's direct first tier supply contracts and Seller's sub-tier or lower tier supply contracts.


Seller is required to maintain a quality system in compliance with Boeing document D6-56202 "Tooling Supplier Quality Operating Requirements." D6-56202 which will be amended from time to time is incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference. Buyer reserves the right to conduct surveillance at Seller's facility to ensure that Seller's quality system meets the requirements of this clause.


1. Seller shall include with each shipment all documentation required by this purchase document including: approval for return to service documentation meeting provisions of FAA regulation 14 CFR parts 43.9, 43.11 or 43.17 including hours and cycles where required.

2. Seller shall certify that article(s) provided in accordance with this purchase document were not subjected to severe stress, heat or environmental conditions (including being submerged in water or otherwise exposed to corrosive agents outside of normal operation) or obtained from or operated by any government or military services.

3. All Airworthiness Directives (AD's) that are represented as having been accomplished must be documented. The documentation shall specify AD number, AD amendment number, date, and method of compliance.

4. A description (or reference to data acceptable to the FAA) of the work performed. In either case there must be enough information provided so that a person unfamiliar with the work would be able to determine the extent of the maintenance and/or alteration performed. If the repair station is also EASA-certificated, the maintenance release must include the revision status of the technical data used to perform the work. The maintenance release must also include a record of the parts used, particularly if the maintenance involved substituting parts, such as PMA parts as applicable per FAA AC 145-9.


1. Seller shall include with each shipment a certified statement on the certificate of conformity (C of C) stating the following:

  1. Article identity and condition – must use “as–is” or comparable term to describe condition.
  2. The article(s) were produced under an FAA approved production system.
  3. Service bulletin compliance or noncompliance.
  4. Life/cycle limited parts status (i.e., time, time since overhaul, cycles, and history). If the article is serialized and life-limited, operational time and/or cycles are required.

2. Seller shall certify that article(s) provided in accordance with this purchase document were not subjected to severe stress, heat or environmental conditions (including being submerged in water or otherwise exposed to corrosive agents outside of normal operation) or obtained from or operated by any government or military services.

3. All Airworthiness Directives (AD's) that are represented as having been accomplished must be documented. The documentation shall specify AD number, AD amendment number, date, and method of compliance.


1. Seller shall provide documented evidence, in accordance with the purchase document, that the article(s) are new and must include certified statements disclosing the material or parts, were or were not:

  1. Subjected to conditions of extreme stress, heat or environment;
  2. Previously installed in a public aircraft, such as a government use aircraft or a military aircraft.

2. All Airworthiness Directives (AD's) that are represented as having been accomplished must be documented. The C of C shall specify AD number, AD amendment number, date, and method of compliance.

6305 630 082415 Non-PC 700 Distributor Contract Article

Please refer to referenced Contract for Quality Terms and Conditions.

6306 666 082415 Non-PC 700 Contract Article

Please refer to referenced Contract for Quality Terms and Conditions.

6310 622 070813 Deleted.

1. Seller shall provide evidence that the article(s) provided in accordance with this purchase document are new and were produced under an FAA approved production system. Evidence shall include documentation history demonstrating traceability to the Production Approval Holder (PAH), including a legible copy of the certificate of conformity (C of C) certifying that article(s) are new and were produced under a FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) or Technical Standard Order Authorization (TSOA) or a Production Certificate (PC).

2. Article(s) provided in accordance with this purchase document must be new and include a certified statement disclosing the following should be issued about the material or parts, certifying that they were or were not:

  1. Subjected to conditions of extreme stress, heat or environment;
  2. Previously installed in a public aircraft, such as a government use aircraft or a military aircraft.

3. All Airworthiness Directives (AD's) that are represented as having been accomplished must be documented. The C of C shall specify AD number, AD amendment number, date, and method of compliance.

6320 605 021505 TEST REPORTS

1.0. The Seller shall include with each shipment two copies of the results of the lot, batch or item acceptance tests required by the applicable specification. Test reports shall include control identity (e.g., heat, lot, batch, serial number) of material/item tested, actual values when applicable, and shall be signed by the Seller's authorized agent. The report shall establish the quantity of material/items associated with each traceability number shipped. Place one copy with the shipping documentation and one copy on the inside of the shipping container.


The following must be individually authorized by the Boeing Procurement Agent prior to use for this purchase document:

Approved Material Substitution List (AMSL), Part Specific Approved Material Substitution List (PSAMSL), Foreign sources of raw material per D1-4426, Approved Process Sources Metallic Raw Material – Non USA & Titanium Ingot (All) process codes 600-699, DMS 2201 Procurement From Foreign Sources – Metallic Raw Materials (QPL) Qualified Product List.

6325 684 031617 Deleted
6330 694 031617 Deleted
6335 682 031617 Deleted
6340 683 031617 Deleted
      Seller shall provide evidence that the article(s) provided in accordance with this purchase document are new and were obtained from the original manufacturer identified within this purchase document. An article known to have been subjected to extreme stress, heat or environment or obtained from or operated by any government or military source will not be accepted.

Article(s) on this shipment may subsequently be used on a European Union aircraft. Therefore articles are required to meet the most current regulatory requirements of the MAINTENANCE ANNEX GUIDANCE (MAG) BETWEEN THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY AGENCY for the EUROPEAN UNION.

Article(s) on this shipment require an Authorized Release Certificate (i.e.: FAA Form 8130-3, EASA Form One or other equivalent regulatory airworthiness approval documents) certifying the article(s) are new and were produced under an FAA Regulatory PAH authority or other National Aviation Authority (NAA) equivalent, conform to approved design data and are in airworthy condition. Seller shall provide the original or true certified copy of the regulatory airworthiness approval document

Industry Standard parts are not subject to the forgoing provisions, provided such parts are traceable to the manufacturer, accompanied by a conformity statement, and are in a satisfactory condition for installation.

Seller's packing sheet shall reference the manufacturer's C of C and shall contain control identity of the article(s) on this shipment, as applicable. The control identification shall be traceable to the article(s) processed in a single run (same manufacturing date, lot, batch, heat, job or shop traveler number). When multiple lots are included in one shipment, Seller shall clearly separate the control identity of the respective lots.

In addition to requirements specified elsewhere in this clause, the following requirements apply to articles produced under FAA PMA:

PMA articles conforming to design data obtained under a licensing agreement from the Type Certificate (TC) or Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) holder must be accompanied by a shipping document that states "Produced under licensing agreement from the holder of [insert TC or STC number]."

Individual detail parts of a PMA article must be accompanied by a shipping document that identifies the detail part as a subcomponent of a PMA article.

Article(s) on this shipment certified under FAA PMA, may subsequently be exported to a European Union country. Therefore, as required in the U.S. / European Union Aviation Safety Agreement Technical Implementation Procedures, PMA certification documentation must contain one of the following statements), as applicable: "This PMA part is not a critical component" or "This PMA part is a critical component". In accordance with regulations, "Critical Component" means a part identified as critical by the design approval holder during the product type validation process, or otherwise by the exporting authority. When Airworthiness Directives (AD's) are represented as having been accomplished, the C of C shall specify AD number, AD amendment number, date, and method of compliance.
6402 689 101916 PMA ARTICLES – DIRECT SHIP

Parts on this shipment must have FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulation 14CFR21.9 and be identified in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulation 14CFR45.15. The following note is to be placed on the packing sheets of the shipment and signed by a person within your organization with responsibility for the conformity of the part to the FAA type certified engineering drawing: It is hereby certified that, (a) the parts and/or materials reflected herein were produced under a Federal Aviation Administration approved manufacturing and quality assurance system/methods as set forth in Federal Aviation Regulation Part 21 Sub-part K paragraph 21.307, and (b) all parts and/or materials are certified new, conforms to the design data and are in airworthy condition.


1. Seller's certificated repair station is required to be a Buyer approved repair station and must sustain such approved status on an on-going basis. Seller shall provide copy of air agency certificate to Buyer representative upon request. Representatives of Buyer and/or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) may inspect and evaluate Seller's facilities, systems, data, equipment, personnel and all completed products processed under this contract. (If Seller is non domestic, the government agency equivalent to the FAA may conduct such inspection and evaluation.)

2. Work performed under this contract must be accomplished in compliance with Seller's applicable valid air agency certificate(s). A description of the work accomplished by the Seller shall be included with each shipment. All documentation required by this contract and regulation, including dual release airworthiness certification (if required), must be included with each shipment.
Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and or Modification work performed on articles under this contract must be performed and subsequently returned to Boeing or Boeing's Customer from a Buyer approved certificated repair station. Articles which have undergone Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and or Modification and subsequently returned to Boeing or Boeing's Customer with an Authorized Release Certificate from non-buyer approved repair station(s) will be not be accepted. Costs for delays and re-processing of articles; subsequent re-inspection and repair or modification of articles from a non-buyer approved repair station will be borne by the Seller.

3. The Quality Clauses and requirements contained in document D6-84944 Section 1 apply to this purchase document. Quality Clauses found in Section 2 of D6-84944 apply if no Boeing term contract has been executed with the Seller.

4. At a minimum Seller shall include with each shipment a signed and completed copy of FAA Form 8130-3 'Airworthiness Approval' tag for each article. The return to service must comply with all regulatory requirements including but not limited to, current FAA orders and memoranda. The airworthiness certification must also comply with FAA Order 8130.21 latest revision. The FAA Form 8130-3 'Airworthiness Approval' tag or a separate document as referenced on the Form 8130-3 'Airworthiness Approval' tag must document the identity of maintenance documents and/or the associated revision status and date of each.

4.1 In the case of maintenance carried out by a U.S.-based EASA Part-145 approved organization subject to the Agreement, EASA only recognizes the dual release FAA Form 8130-3 for component, engine, or propeller maintenance. If an FAA/EASA Dual Release is required by this order, the following is necessary:

  1. The FAA Form 8130-3 must include the EASA Part-145 release to service certifying statement, the EASA Part-145 Approval Certificate number in block 12, and specify any overhaul, repairs, alterations, ADs, replacement parts, PMA parts, and quote the reference and issue/revision of the approved data used.
  2. The status of the component (repaired, inspected, overhauled, etc.) shall appear in block 11 with any relevant comments including detailed references to approved data, Ads, etc., in block 12. Example: "Overhauled in accordance with CMM 111, Section X, Rev 2, S/B 23 and FAA AD xyz complied with. Full details held on WO 456."
  3. Block 12 shall also contain the following statement: "Certifies that the work specified in block 11/12 was carried out in accordance with EASA Part-145 and in respect to that work the component is considered ready for release to service under EASA Part-145 Approval Number: "EASA 145....."
4.2 For the Boeing Company to accept electronically signed authorized release certificate (FAA 8130-3), Seller/ Certificate holder must have a current FAA Approved OPS Spec A025, Electronic/Digital Recordkeeping System, Electronic/Digital Signature, and Electronic Media approval and provide the FAA Approved OPS Spec A025 information to Boeing Company. In addition, the Boeing Company may elect to review the procedures associated with the A025 and the seller may be required to demonstrate access and controls for personnel who are authorized to return to service, articles under the repair station cert as required in Section145.157 entitled Personnel authorized to approve an article for return to service. In the absence of the A025 authorization, the person retuning the article to service must provide an original signature on the FAA form 8130-3 Return to Service

5. If Seller is located in the United States and performs safety-sensitive functions, as described in 14 CFR 120, Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, Seller must be able to demonstrate compliance with the antidrug and alcohol misuse prevention programs for personnel engaged in safety-sensitive functions, including subcontracts at any tier, for work accomplished under this contract.

5.1 In this regard, Seller must provide along with other documents and certifications a copy of the:
  1. Form A449 (Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program
  2. A statement made in the FAA Form 8130-3 Authorized Release Certificate block 12 that states "This repair/modification/overhaul/inspection was performed with personnel who were part of a current drug and alcohol testing program as required by 14CFR120."
  3. A statement made in the FAA Form 8130-3 Authorized Release Certificate block 12 that states "This repair/modification/overhaul/inspection was performed with personnel who were part of a current drug and alcohol testing program as required by 14CFR120."
  4. A statement in the pack slip signed and dated by the appropriate Quality Assurance personnel that states "This repair/modification/overhaul/inspection was performed with personnel who were part of a current drug and alcohol testing program as required by 14CFR120."
6. If Seller meets the definition of a hazmat employer under 49 CFR 171.8 definitions and abbreviations, Seller must have a hazardous materials training program that meets the training requirements of 49 CFR 172, subpart H, training.

7. Seller shall establish specific requirements and procedures for the control of Foreign Object Debris/Damage, and shall have controls which are being implemented to ensure cleanliness of work areas. These requirements and procedures must have its basis and encompasses all the elements found in the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) National Aerospace Standard (NAS) 412 entitled FOREIGN OBJECT DAMAGE / FOREIGN OBJECT DEBRIS (FOD) PREVENTION or equivalent as determined by Boeing Supplier Quality Assurance. This FOD control program must extend to components and assembly storage, workshops and if present, hanger facilities. Boeing may request that metrics be established for tracking performance of resolution of FOD non-conformances and non-compliances and the results of the disposition of the non-conformances and non-compliances.

7.1 Seller shall also establish specific requirements and procedures for the protection and preservation of product. The Seller shall preserve and protect the product during internal servicing process and delivery to the intended destination in order to maintain conformity to requirements. As applicable, preservation shall include identification, handling, packaging, storage and protection. Preservation shall also apply to subcomponent parts of a product.

7.2 Items intended for maintenance shall be segregated from those items not intended for maintenance use or from new or serviceable product. Preservation and protection of product shall also include and where applicable in accordance with product requirements provisions for cleaning, FOD prevention including detection, and removal of foreign objects, special handling for sensitive products, marking and labeling including safety warnings, shelf life control and stock rotation, and special handling for hazardous materials.

8. Seller's certificated repair station is required to keep documented objective evidence in the form of records as part of the maintenance, repair and overhaul statement of work per Boeing or other OEM repair data for the following:

8.1 Verifiable documented objective evidence of:
  1. pyrometric certification and control of ovens, autoclaves and other pyrometric equipment used for processing of parts, i.e., post plate baking, stress relieving, heat blanket repair and autoclave processing.
  2. equipment being calibrated over the range of usage for the equipment.
  3. periodic tool inspection for assembly tools to assure tool fitness for use and configuration.
8.2 Verifiable documented objective evidence that:
  1. the required and actual data for chemical and temperature control requirements for chemical process solutions used during chemical processing and plating of product during repair and overhaul activities were within acceptable ranges during processing i.e. anodizing, chemical treatment of aluminum, cadmium plating, chrome plating, natal etch, rinse tanks etc,
  2. the required and actual process acceptance criteria and testing that verify necessary processes were accomplished and within required repair data parameters during repair and overhaul of parts, i.e., hydrogen embrittlement testing using notched tensile specimens, Boeing plating porosity meter, adhesion testing, hardness testing, corrosion testing, appearance, etc.
  3. specified coating thicknesses for organic and inorganic coating post process are directly measured and within acceptable ranges as defined by repair data, i.e., chrome plate thickness, cadmium plating thickness, paint thickness, etc.
  4. adhesion testing (dry, wet or solvent tape adhesion testing) is required for all applications of organic coatings (primer, topcoat or surfacer) on metallic or non metallic substrates per SOPM, D6-5000 (Special Commercial Airplane Company Finish codes or f-codes) or BAC/BSS specification requirements. When no requirement is specified for application of organic coating in the SOPM or CMM reference, the BAC/BSS reference or D6-5000 finish code requirements will be used for testing of organic coating adhesion.
8.3 Verifiable documented objective evidence of required and actual repair data for metal conditioning and machining including:
  1. all shot peen required and actual parameters (manual and automated) as well as demonstration of intensity and saturation curves.
  2. all alloy steel and chrome grind required and actual parameters including grinding machine identification, wheel material information (material type, grit size, hardness, bond and structure), feeds (cross, down), speeds (wheel and work), and records of required periodic wheel dressing.
  3. stress relieve oven identification as well as records of times and temperatures.
  4. records of testing for heat damage post machining or grinding including method used and result of inspection.
8.4 Verifiable documented objective evidence of required and actual repair data for non-metallic (composite & adhesive) repairs and modifications including:
  1. parts and materials used in repair or modification,
  2. "out time" records for materials that demonstrate that time and temperature records from "out time" until cure are within material data requirements supplied by repair and or material OEM,
  3. composite ply lay up and orientation,
  4. documented location and size of composite repair
  5. spre cure processing of composite repair(compaction and/or debulk),
  6. cure time, temperatures, pressures and vacuum parameters and post cure inspection data including composite repairs, adhesive applications requiring room temperature or elevated cures with or without vacuum or pressure.
8.5 Verifiable documented objective evidence of required and actual inspection process parameters and methods for non destructive testing (NDT) inspections and the results of those inspections.

8.6 Verifiable objective evidence of Seller's ability to access and review Boeing and Boeing's agents purchase document clauses and requirements.

9. Seller shall maintain, and have available on a timely basis, Quality records traceable to the article delivered to Boeing. Seller shall make such records available to regulatory authorities and Boeing's authorized representatives. Seller shall retain such records for a period of not less than (10) ten years from the date of shipment under each applicable Order for all product/part numbers unless otherwise specified on the order.

9.1 At the expiration of such period set forth above and prior to any disposal of records, Seller will notify Boeing of records to be disposed of and Boeing reserves the right to request delivery of such records. In the event Boeing chooses to exercise this right, Seller shall promptly deliver such records to Boeing at no additional cost on media agreed to by both parties.

10. In addition to other reporting requirements for Notification of Escapements, The Seller shall provide written notification to Boeing in the English language within one (1) business day when a nonconformance is determined to exist, or is suspected to exist, on products already delivered to Boeing or Boeing’s customer. Written notification shall include:
  1. Boeing Purchase Document number(s),
  2. Affected process(es) or product number(s) and names,
  3. Description of the nonconforming condition (i.e., what it is and what is should be),
  4. Affected drawing number(s) and zone(s),
  5. Quantities, dates and destinations of delivered shipments,
  6. Suspect/affected serial number(s) or date codes
  7. Proposed actions/requests (i.e., units to be checked, recording required, method of check, etc.)
10.1 This notification is required irrespective of component type, aircraft type, aircraft program or suspected cause of the nonconformance for all product(s) under maintenance, repair or overhaul, inspection or modification services, where a nonconformance is determined to exist, or is suspected to exist.

10.2 Notification shall include above information as a minimum. The Seller shall notify the Boeing Procurement Representative who manages the purchase document, the Supplier Quality Representative and use any such reporting methods as assigned and communicated by Boeing.

11. Boeing requires that the provisions/requirements set forth above be included in Seller's direct supply contracts (contracted maintenance) as well as the obligation that they be flowed to the sub-tier supply chain. For the purpose of this clause, supply chain shall mean Seller’s complete network of materials, equipment, information, and services integrated into products and services. It focuses on direct and lower-tier suppliers.

12. All SRM, AMM, CMM, Overhaul Manual, SOPM, BAC, BSS or other OEM instructions as applicable to the Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and or Modification in this contract that contain the phrases such as, but not limited to, 'recommendations or recommended practices' etc. will be considered as Seller requirements pertaining to the instructions for Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and or Modification for this contract.

      FAA Export airworthiness certification is required for articles specified on this Purchase Document. Include with each shipment, the original FAA Form 8130-3 Export Airworthiness approval document.
6405 624** 120213 FAA CONFORMITY

1.0. FAA and/or Foreign Civil Airworthiness Authority (FCAA) conformity inspection and certification is required for items procured on this Purchase Document. Unless otherwise indicated, Seller shall contact the local FAA/FCAA Representative for inspection and certification.

2.0. Unless otherwise indicated, the conformity inspection shall be performed at the Seller or Subcontractor' s point of manufacture as deemed necessary to verify product conformance to Type Design.

3.0. Seller shall include the original FAA Form 8130-3 with the shipment. Foreign government equivalents to FAA Form 8130-3 are acceptable for imported product.

4.0. For a Seller located in a country without a United States bilateral airworthiness agreement, the FAA may elect to conduct the inspection in accordance with paragraph 2 above, or upon arrival of the product in the U.S.


FAA or Foreign Civil Airworthiness Authority (FCAA) airworthiness certification is required for articles specified on this Purchase Document. Include with each shipment, the original FAA Form 8130-3 Authorized Release Certificate or foreign equivalent.








Seller is granted direct ship authorization by Boeing for parts shipped on this order only.  

The seller shall place the following statement on all shipping documents:

It is hereby certified that (a) the parts and/or materials reflected herein were produced under Federal Aviation Administration approved manufacturing and quality control systems/methods as set forth in FAA Production Certificate No. 700 issued to The Boeing Company and (b) such parts and/or materials are new and in an airworthy condition.

Supplier Quality Assurance (title)

If seller has delegated inspection authority, place the following statement on shipping packing slips:

“Delegated Boeing Inspection Authority has been granted for this supplier.”








Article(s) on this shipment must have Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA), Technical Standard Order Authorization (TSOA), Production Certificate (PC) or equivalent National Aviation Authority (NAA) approval and be identified in accordance with applicable FAA or NAA Regulations. .

Article(s) on this shipment may subsequently be used on a European Union aircraft. Therefore articles are required to meet the most current regulatory requirements of the MAINTENANCE ANNEX GUIDANCE (MAG) BETWEEN THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY AGENCY for the EUROPEAN UNION.

Article(s) on this shipment require an Authorized Release Certificate (i.e.: FAA Form 8130-3, EASA Form One or other equivalent regulatory airworthiness approval documents) certifying the article(s) are new, were produced under an FAA Regulatory PAH authority or other NAA equivalent, conform to approved design data and are in airworthy condition. Seller shall provide the original or true certified copy of the regulatory airworthiness approval document.

Seller's shipping documentation shall contain control identity of the article(s) on this shipment, as applicable. The control identification shall be traceable to the article(s) processed in a single run (same manufacturing date, lot, batch, heat, job or shop traveler number). When multiple lots are included in one shipment, Seller shall clearly separate the control identity of the respective lots.

When Airworthiness Directives (AD's) are represented as having been accomplished, the certificate of conformity shall specify AD number, AD amendment number, date, and method of compliance.

In addition to requirements specified elsewhere in this clause, the following requirements apply to articles produced under FAA PMA:

PMA articles conforming to design data obtained under a licensing agreement from the Type Certificate (TC) or Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) holder must be accompanied by a shipping document that states "Produced under licensing agreement from the holder of [insert TC or STC number]."

Individual detail parts of a PMA article must be accompanied by a shipping document that identifies the detail part as a subcomponent of a PMA article.

Article(s) on this shipment certified under FAA PMA, may subsequently be exported to a European Union country. Therefore, as required in the U.S. / European Union Aviation Safety Agreement Technical Implementation Procedures, PMA certification documentation must contain one of the following statements, as applicable: "This PMA part is not a critical component" or "This PMA part is a critical component". In accordance with regulations, "Critical Component" means a part identified as critical by the design approval holder during the product type validation process, or otherwise by the exporting authority.

6701 663 062212 Deleted.
   *    New Clause, no corresponding Clause number assigned under "old" scheme.
   **    New Clause, "old" number assigned for Boeing internal use only.
   "    Clause not published in 1/87 edition of DAC 26-730, but was applied as a full text attachment to purchase orders.

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