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Special Provisions

Form D1 4305 1500 (Rev. 2/96)
(Applicable only to the extent called out in the Purchase Contract)


  1. BASE SUPPORT. Insofar as possible, Seller shall avoid incurring direct or indirect costs involving the duplication of work, or support capacity available at or through any Government installation involved in the performance of this contract. Therefore, Seller agrees to utilize or cause to be utilized all available Government or Government-controlled working space, equipment, supplies, materials, services, or other support (including communication services) at or available through any Government installation or office where work under this contract is performed. Unless otherwise stipulated in this contract, such items will be made available in reasonable amounts on a no-charge-for-use basis, and the value thereof shall be part of the consideration for this contract. Seller shall report to Buyer any inadequacies or nonavailability to items contemplated hereby, together with a recommended plan for obtaining the requested items, and Buyer shall determine the validity and extent of the requirement and the manner in which any approved requirement will be filled ( as by purchase, rental, lease or otherwise).

    Seller shall neither purchase nor otherwise furnish any requirement covered by this clause, nor authorize others to do so, without written approval of Buyer as to the terms of the proposed purchase or other arrangement. Items of a capital nature shall not be purchased under authority of this clause.

  2. PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON GOVERNMENT PREMISES. Any work under this contract which is performed by Seller or any of its subcontractors on premises under Government control is subject to all provisions of this contract governing such work and to the following:
    1. All Seller and subcontractor personnel shall at all times conspicuously display a distinctive badge provided by Seller, identifying such personnel as employees of Seller and shall observe and otherwise be subject to such security regulations as are in effect for the particular premises involved.
    2. Except as may be otherwise specified in this contract, Seller shall furnish all supplies, material and equipment required for the work to be performed.
    3. Seller shall provide direct supervision of its own employees but shall not supervise or accept supervision from any Government personnel.
    4. Seller shall designate to Buyer in writing an on-the-premises representative to serve as point of contact for Seller with the Contracting Officer or his duly authorized representative.
    5. Performance of work on Government premises shall be confined to the area(s) specified by the Contracting Officer or his duly authorized representative.
  3. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS WHEN GOVERNMENT FACILITIES ARE USED. In performing any work under this contract on premises which are under the direct control of the Government, Seller shall (a) conform to all safety rules and requirements of the Government installation, and (b) take such additional precautions as Buyer may reasonably require for safety and accident prevention purposes.
  4. NOTIFICATION OF GOVERNMENT SECURITY ACTIVITY. The clause set forth in Air Force FAR Supplement 5352.204-9000, "Notification of Government Security Activity", is incorporated by reference.

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